Friday, November 27, 2009

27th Nov 2009

Am now at Ice Dreamland at west coast. this place is sort of becoming a favourite hunt. the ambience of the place is very nice and quiet. good for chilling out, studying or just hang ard with nothing to to. Since i recently got the Starhub mobile broadband 7.2mbps, it's sort of a good place to surf net as well. hahaha

Yesterday I accidently scratched my dad's car. i wasnt even scolded. they just told me to be more careful next time, as long as no one is injured, it's ok.

Hmmmm... work-wise, i have spoken to Kokwah about going to work some part time jobs. his reply was that if i were to be doing that, i'll be distracted from selling insurance. bascially, selling insurance or not, i still need to eat, drink, travel. if those basic needs are not covered, nothing else need to be said. not forgetting my policies that are in premium holiday.

recently, my reservist mate ask me if i wanna talk to his friend from IFA (Independent Financial Advisers), saying that he can offer a better deal than Prudential. well, i'm always open to options, so i asked him to go ahead and arrange for an appointment. Then one of my contacts on MSN ask me if i wanna hear more about IFA, so on Wed, i went with Raymond to meet up with her. Yesterday, Seagull called me. He's moving into IFA also and asked if i'm interested in joining him.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

24th Nov 2009

Didnt get to meet Yeo the last time. but coming thursday might be going with him to the PC show at EXPO.

Today something funny happened. My EP was supposed to have ended, but payment was still deposited into my account. hahaha then a guy called asking for the money to be returned. hmmm... good also la. going into the office tomorrow to meet with Kok Wah and ask him what to do now that my EP is over. the consequences and stuff.

Since i have proof of my EP terminated (the guy's call to have me return the money), i think its time to make a decision to stay or not. for some reason, prudential staff have been showing me a very bad management of paper work. might have to seriously reconsider what to do.

This morning's weekly meeting was sort of funny also. after telling the agency about someone approaching me to hold a seminar on financial planning, Kok wah, Lucy and Serene's eyes seems to have lit up immediately. This morning, kok wah sort of told me to share my ideas with the agency. hmmm... will see... anyway, its all in God's hands. Amen!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

12th Nov 2009

Yesterday while i was waiting to meet Yeo for lunch. Kokwah called. when i told him i'm going to meet Yeo for lunch, he sort of ask me if i'm going to go back to IT line. hahaha, hmmmm.... cant say that will not come true, but i think i'll continue with insurance and other part times.

Meeting with Yeo is just to sort of let him know, i'm not there to take business away from him. Hmmmm... shrug.

Monday, November 9, 2009

10th Nov 2009

Currently at Doris's office finishing up the upgrade for the 2 new laptops. Kokwah didnt sound too happy about me not going into the office for meeting today. shrug, so be it ba. taking a "not letting anyone push me" stance. it's true that if i went in today, both Lucy and Serene will be there to help me with my presentation skills, but what i need might not be presentation skills. what i need is to be free from debt, un-lapse all my policies and gain a higher level of product knowledge.

A few days back, a line from Bai Jia Jiang Tan struck me deeply. The talker was a proffessor sharing his experince when working. he was talking about making sure that your nose hair are trimmed before you meet ppl. regardless of how well you dressed, a single nose hair out of your nostril will give ppl the impression that you are dirty. His german boss once told him, unless you have no choice, never deal with a man whose shoes dont shine. at first, he tot that wasnt a very right statement to make, but later on, after he reflected on it, he found it to be very right.

Personal grooming is a reflection of personality. If you are not even able to take care of yoruself, how will you take care of your company? of important deals? of ppl's financial life? Being well dressed is not only a sales tool, its a mindset.

On the next day, no matter how big a 50 cents will look to me (when you are poor, 50cents look bigger than Singapore Flyer.) i went and got a bottle of shoeshine and polish up my shoes which was full of scratches.

A few days later when i went to my uncle's office, my auntie4 commented that i look different from before. sort of larger. hahaha

Thursday, November 5, 2009

6th Nov 2009

Somehow i realised some things. things that are very easily confused. I might be in Prudential selling insurance, but that doesnt mean that i'll have to make use of EP. strangely, when i decided to stay on, i felt peace. but not when i think of EP. maybe the first few screw-ups with EP is trying to tell me something.

All in the hands of the Lord. I thank you, Lord, for providing all that i need. Amen!

5th Nov 2009

Went to Doris's office today to assist them with thier PC prob. Hmmmm... have to go for a second trip on monday to resolve all the issue. Might be getting Raymond to come in to assist me. shrug, it will depend on how the meeting with yeo goes tomorrow and how to go about arranging for things. Will be going to my Uncle4's office tomorrow with Yeo.

Went home to put down my bag and prepare to go for RT. then it started raining heavily. when i open the door, about to go out, a loud thunder boomed. so i decided to skip today's RT and go to sleep instead.

Seagull called and had a chat with me. seems like he's considering how to move on his career. we called about some of the things that i realise through the past month.
My lack of product knowledge which brought out my lack of confidence.
My urgency to meet the target which brought out my pushing of sales.
My lapsed policies which convey a lack of conviction in the need for insurance.

Seagull asked if i can still survive for how long without the allowance. the truth is, what i have now, is whats left from the last allowance, which is less than half. and coming sat, i'll need to be spending to socialise as well as meeting client. shrug, at most, no money to move, just hide at home lor. yah, its a vicious cycle i know. the alternative will be to do insurance as part time, and get a full time work.

Hmmmm... let things flow the way that they should ba. alot of dejavu feeling has been happening recently. sort of feeling that this is the way things should be happening. no worries. all good.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

3rd Nov 2009

Went to office early this morning. Kok Wah had to go off for a meeting. Serene and Lucy helped me with my presentation. Raymond went for his M9 tutorial and then came to look for me for lunch. kok called and asked why we never waited for them for lunch. :p if we waited for them, i think we'll be late for raymond's class.

Went to Togoyo to buy some stuff before going home to check on the scanning of one of my HDD before going to camp for RT.

Today's RT training was very tough. legs were shaking when i was going back home.
Something miraclous happened. as i was walking from the interchange to a bus-stop to take 13 to go home, i spotted the bus at the traffic light waiting for the red-light to pass. the bus-stop was slightly beyond next traffic light which was at least 200 metres away. Sian... waiting for the next bus will take at least half an hour. but a voice told me to run to the next bus-stop. i started running despite my aching leg muscules. it was a slow painful jog. many time, i tot to just give up and wait for the next bus, but the voice "spoke" to me again, keep running, dont look back, i'll take care of the rest. My heart keep falling as some car sped pass, that must mean the traffic light had already turned green. Keep running and leave the rest to me, the voice told me over and over again. i continue running without looking back even once. finally i reached the bus-stop, i turned back to see the bus stopping at the traffic light just before the bus-stop.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

2nd Nov 2009

The prob with not blogging for a long time is that, when you wanna blog, you forget what you wanna talk about. but the thing is, there are so many things happening at the same time, i'm really unsure what to talk about.

lets start with some minor things first. got the issue sorted out that its my USB hub that was faulty, causing my phone to be unable to sync properly with my laptop. was terribly crippled during that period of time.

Feeling rushed and helpless in my attempts to be selling insurance, i started praying for better result, for more contacts. My prayers were sort of answered. I'm talking to more ppl in the past month than the past year. Even Vicky, my ex-gf, messaged me in Facebook.

I believe tat in this line, i'll be able to do well, if i stay in it long enough. IF i stayed in it long enough. but will i stay in it long enough? thoughts are going through my head. regardless of what kok wah say about keeping me "hungry", i should have realise this fact long ago. when i have debts/bills weighting on my mind, i dont function well. it has happened when i was working with yeo, he tot i was having a medical condition and keep sending me to see chinese sensei with him and had acupuncture done to try to improve my condition, but the simple fact is, if i was paid enough to clear my bills and get those lawyer letters off my back from M1, i'll be able to work. saying that he also has lawyer letters from M1 wont really help improve my motivation to work. If i'm going to be bankrupt by a mobile bill, might as well dont work.

In rich dad poor dad, they mentioned that, purchasing assets that generate wealth should come before repaying debts. that i agree, but i think when talking about debts, there's a distinction between debts and bills. Bills are necessities you'll need to pay for your daily living.

hmmmmmm.... being in the finanicial industry, i'm seeing a better picture on finance and interests. if i dont pay my singtel bill on time, they will charge me additional $5 for late payment. $5 dont really seems to be alot, but taking into consideration that my monthly subscription is only $7, its an additional 70%.

When you stop seeing small money as money, no matter how much BIG money you earn, will only be going to paying things that make other ppl rich. When you stop seeing where your money goes properly, you'll just lose all of it.

Currently, kok wah has been giving alot of coaching in my presentation and so on. think i'll keep working on it for now. When the deadline for EP arrives, i'll see how to move on from there ba.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

17th Oct 2009

Dinner last sunday with my parents. Assam Fishhead and 8 treasure chicken.

Duck Rice at Bukit Batok Interchange S-11.

Gantry System started at my house.

Can you see what i saw?

New stall at Sunshine plaza. Trishaw Noodles.

The pictures of the rabbits are taken at Great World City's Pet Kampong. they are so cute, i couldnt resist taking some shots.

Friday, October 9, 2009

9th Oct 2009

A collection of photos which i taken during the past month but didnt get ard to post it.

Fried Chicken from Bishan Blk 284, so far the nicest in recent times.

Did some re-arrangements at my box as well.

Udders Ice cream at West Mall, limited favors.

the first Long John Silver coupons which i seen. and managed to swipe alot from discarded mail.

Ice cream and waffle at Daily Scoop, the third is Jasmine's.... i was abit slow...

the ice cream making process at Daily Scoop

Lego studs i bought.

Lego 2x2 plates which i bought for the game.

My Lego army which i need to retake thier photos.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

5th Oct 2009

Waiting at home now for library to open. then go over to settle some renewals as well as borrow some books.

Feeling lazy to go into office, but have to go lah. its not right to slack on the job. frankly, staying home, i always cant get any proper work done unless i really really focus. recently went on another gaming rampage, cutting out all my games again. will still be playing dragonica though, cos this way, irin can play together with me. heehee.

Really ah, all answers will come to you somehow, you just need to discern what is right or wrong. my reservist mate came online, and i chatted with him. he's also another very cina guy. when i ask him about eight immortals and eight diagram, he say he not very clear also. then he say why not check baidu? TING~ well, if it was me in the past, i wont have gone to check it as i only use baidu for searching for mp3. so i went to check it, and the answer i had been searching for is really there. and in very detailed explaination.

4th Oct 2009

Went for RT in the morning, then dropped at Thomson Plaza to look at the Lego sale at Secret Chamber. Didnt get anything.

Went over to Suntec for service after that. Today's service is very good and it seems to be talking about what i was thinking on for the past few days. Though it did not give me an answer, it gave me a solution. you can read about my blog on the services here. New Creation Rek

For the past few days, i've been having this nagging feeling of something that i should know. something that i must know. something that i have to think about. Going to the Science Center with irin has popped open something. Not putting myself on equal stand as Van Gogh, he's a real genius, his search for brighter more vivid colours is similar to my thirst for knowledge. knowledge of what? i dont know. its a mathematical formula somehow.

I got Alfred to write me the formula of the Eight Diagram.

and he spend some time explaining to me about it. but things are still murky.

I prayed for wisdom after today's service. Things sort of beginning to click. recently i had an obsession with Lego. i was going to use Lego Minifig as part of my presentation for insurance. thats part of it. i think now i can use Lego as a tool to better help me understand certain theories.

Went over to Vivo to turn more guns for stock up. then went back home.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

3rd Oct 2009

Been meeting up with alot of ppl.

After recieving some money from prudential, i paid back some debts i own. Yeo returned me some money as well.

things seems to be happening in a clicking manner. money come in, next day is a pre-order end date. made the deposit for the pre-order. new Lego came in. bought new Lego as well.

alot of things still swimming ard in my head. will need time for a clear outlook.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

16th Sep 2009

Pay still not out yet.
when i went to check on it yesterday, they tell me need to check and call me back.
no news.
when i went today to check, i was told that pay will only come in on the 24th.
no explaination given.
well, what a way to start. shrug, maybe its also a good time for me to slow down my process of meeting ppl and work on my numbers instead.
the only thing i'm not happy about, is that i have not enough to celebrate irin's birthday.
anyway, as it happens, she cant meet me on sunday or monday anyway. shrug.
just feeling very negative.

Abba, please take all my worries away. Amen!

11th Sep 2009

Went with Chew to CSC to watch the open air animation.

we went abit early and had a light dinner. then we went over to visit Cindy and Heng.
Cindy just had her second baby. the baby look very healthy and had a full head of hair even though he is only 2 weeks old. After Heng asked what i was doing, he mentioned that he might have to get something for his second son's education. seems like the only worry he had about buying insurance from me is that how long i will stay. i think i wont be leaving this line. i get to meet lots of ppls, share stories in my work. its something i like to do and there isnt a retirement age~

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

8th Sep 2009

Yesterday i recieved my prudential namecards and went through the course for PWS system and e-submission.

more or less i should be ready to start. kok wah was trying to stress jooleng, the lady who came in at the same time as me, by telling her that i had been doing alot of things, meeting alot of ppl. more or less true lah. i have been meeting alot of ppl, but doing alot of things will be judged.

Today i went over to pa ma's stall wearing a put on tie yan bought for them. felt very awkward and concious of the clip behind the tie which kept showing up. when i met up with irin, we went to buy the first tie i bought in my life. also i got some black socks as well. white socks dont really work well in office attire. this knocked out half the money i have on me, but i think its rather neccessary. as the korean saying goes, clothes give you wings. and i think this is very true.

after putting on the tie, i felt more confident. maybe it didnt really increase my level (i think i'm at level 1), but it sort of brought me to the same grounds as other adventurers.

Next on the list, shirts that uses cuff-links and cuff-links.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

4th Sep 2009

Hmmm... been thinking and thinking... alot about insurance. why ppl should buy? why they shouldnt buy? why they need it? why they dont need it? what can it do for them? how will it mess them up?

basically, insurance is just simple maths. you pay this amount, you get covered in case of accident, diease or disability or you get your money back when it matures.

currently, i'm trying to get my parents to purchase the prushield premier extra.

for $1416 per person per year, they are covered for medical expense up to $518000.

after which, i'll need to start looking into thier retirement funds.

ma mentioned that she wanted to downgrade pa's car. i asked pa, will he prefer to drive a BMW or a Honda Accord? seems like pa's desire for the kind of car is only dependent on his income. since the accord is already bought, just use it til its over lor. no point downgrading now.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

2nd Sept 2009

Havent blogged for a long time.

Gone through alot of sales training. arranged with some of the psa2 classmates to meet up yesterday. feel abit nostagic when we were sitting at a open area, just talking. havent done that in a long time. ran into alvin today at training, he didnt make it yesterday, but he'll try to make it coming friday. he told me, my sms to him really boost his moral alot. that itself boosted my moral alot also. i'm very happy to be of encouragement to another person.

recently another korean ger caught my eye. Nicole of Kara. irin ask "why u like her, is she very pretty?"
"well... not very very pretty, but she got cookie monster eyes."
"cookie monster eyes? meaning the eyes very big?"
"not really very big. but you remember how cookie monster's eyes are like?"
"they are very big lor"
"do you remember how the eyes swirl, seems alive and run all over the place? well, something like that."

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

26th August 2009

Been doing a lot of training and meeting ppl recently. bz bz.

Went to buy some soles for my shoes as walking all the long distance is starting to make my feet feel like its cracking up. the shop assistant was advising me to get membership as it will also give 18% discount ($5.38) on the soles as well. at the same time, world of sport is offering freebies with their membership. A Mizuno sling bag (which can replace my current haversack which is already at its limits), a water bottle which was replaced by a shoe bag (which i wanted for a long time) and a pair of socks. the membership fee is only $38. its like buying 2 bags for $38.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

STGCC 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

10th Aug 2009

Woke at 5am this morning. after a long long sleep, heehee went to sleep at 7pm the day before. 10 hours of sleep. heehee

On Sat morning, send pa ma to AMK to catch the bus for thier holiday trip to Cameron Highlands. then went to pick up irin to shop and prepare for the BBQ. think will see more pictures later on. as per normal, over preparation of food. it was quite fun overall.

Went to serve in the morning. they even provided breakfast for us.

I dont know how to say this, but i think its true that when you serve God, the time which you spend will be returned to you tenfold. when i went over the J8, from the 3 machine of Stitch horoscope, 2 had gemini as the first capsule. If i havent gotten these, i would have returned to the machine over the next few days to try to see when will they be in the slot for turning. i saved hours due to the Grace of God. by the way, the Stitch horoscope is running out soon, and gemini is in high shortage.

Haiz... think there isnt any chance to get all the hibiki stuff that i need. ironically, i got a SIC set which had minitures of ALL the pieces i wan to get. the trumpet, the guitars. why is Torodoki's guitar doing in the set for Zanki?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

6th August 2009

Coming to the end of my PSA 2 training. Quite happy during this training. today i was given a book in recongnition of my effort to smile and greet ppl. also i was give a flower like hightlighter cos i'm one of the early birds. When i accompanied Alvin, one of the student, for his smoking break (it was too early and no other smokers were ard), he commented that i dont seem to be a engineer as the way that i talk seems to be more of a sales personnel. i told him i was faking it, he replied that faking may work once or twice, the way i talk with confidence couldnt be faked.

Due to alot of things weighting on my mind, i skipped blogging for a while. one of it will be the Hibiki accessories... til now, they havent put the stock back... haiz...

One piece 236 is the episode where Luffy fought Ussop over the ownership of Going-Merry. feel so sad over the way things went.

Monday, July 27, 2009

27th July 2009

Passed the CORE paper today. some might think that since its Prudential's inhouse paper, no one will fail, but unfortunately, someone did fail. thank god i passed.

Went to Taka to count the stock again before i went home. stock number seems to be more than less. hahaha, good good, better chance for me to get money so that i can get the money in time.

Recieve another letter from M1's lawyer again. FINAL NOTICE! hmmm... think i'll wait for thier phone call first. well... it seems to be awfully ridiculous to sue someone over 300 dollars, and lose a customer.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

26th July 2009

Ever wanted something badly but dont have enough money to buy it?

Its becoming a habit for me to travel to Taka to monitor the current stock of the Hibiki accessories, hoping that the price will fall drastically again.

Its not that the prices are high, in fact its cheaper by at least 40%. just that i dont have money and that there are so many pieces to get...
Hibiki's Drum Set.
Ibuki's Trumpet.
Todoroki's Guitar.
Zanki's Guitar.
Armoured Sword.
Oni Sword.
Whistle Changer.
Watch Changer.

I can even name how many piece are there at Taka. haiz... the desire is eating me up inside... When i think about it, after i buy the stuff, i'll pack it nicely in my Togoyo boxes. on rare occasion, i'll bring it out to play. then why do i buy it? Its a desire to OWN the toy. i dont have to play with it daily. well... if i play with it daily, it will spoil the thing also. so... usually things i wanna really play with, i buy extras of it.

Some might wanna ask me why i wan the Hibiki toys so badly. well... if you watch a drama and the character leaves a strong impression, you will wan something to remind you of the character. will tell more on the characters next time. Sometimes, Raymond will make fun of my liking for Kamen Riders. hmmm... dont know what to say. like worshiping deities is a form of respect for thier spirit and principle, my liking for Kamen Rider is also the same way. Though they are purely frictional, they represent an quality i hope to possess.

Went to church in the afternoon, then a briefing for Church logistics which i volunteered for.

Then went over to Mikelz to pick up the Upgraded version of Kong Ming. then went over to Bishan 284 to collect payment.

Ma asked me to packet Asam Fishhead and Satay from downstairs.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

25th July 2009

Woke up at 7.30am this morning though i slept at 2am last night. Guess i had enough sleep and woke up.

Spend the day watching Up, then continue with Supernatural. Very interesting series. watched 11 episodes continuously, half of season 1. good thing i had completed downloading the first 4 seasons.

As i watched the shows, i played Pet Society, painted Gundam. more or less today feel very satisfying and well spent.

Hmmm.. some updates. I passed my CHI paper, the first 2 test for PSA (Prudential Sales Academy) level 1. haiz... but money from the establishment package is nowhere in sight. guess i'll need to pass the entire PSA paper, recieve my contact confirmation before it will start to come in.

Taka's Craziest Toy Sale started last wed. damn... there is so many things that i wanna get, but not having enough money. haiz... have to monitor and hope that the prices will go down further on and have to narrow down on the things that i really really wan.

Monday, July 20, 2009

20th July 2009

Wake up this morning and helped ma to cook red bean paste. after which, we went out for brunch. dad dropped me off at Bishan MRT.

I went over to PS to put in some stuff and rearranged the cupboard. by the time i was done, it was already 5 plus. so end up i went home instead. will be going out early tomorrow to study. by the way, tomorrow's my CHI paper.



Look at what i have become~ on the left 买卖军火 on the right 逼良为娼

But so far, guns has been bringing in alot of profit, think i'll try to sell off all my old series. changing stratergy to sell pieces as loose which explains why i took out the whole series, leaving only the display sets to sell.

Speaking of which, there was one client which got me VERY irritated. firstly, he asked for the 3 rifles of Guns 12 and said he'll be over the next day to collect. though the Outpost staff told him that there will be no promises and they'll hope that it to deliver by thursday. once it's in the shop, they will call him up. i MADE the effort to have it delievered the next day. in the end, he didnt come over til sunday. and when he came, he told the staff that he dont wan the rifles anymore and he wants the pistol from Guns Super Selection BUT he wants it at a discount, $8 instead of the stated $18. Of course, i insisted on not lowering the price. 绝版 guns you know? then the idiot finally decided to buy it, but he had difficulty putting it together, so the staff sold him the displayed piece instead. When i went to check on it, of course it wont work, the idiot clammed the piece on the spring! how is the spring supposed to push in that way? and he broke some of the pins that hold the pieces together. luckily, the pistol once fixed together again by me can still work nicely. you know what? the idiot actually told the staff that i must have used glue in putting the pistol together. -_- if you dont know how to swim, dont complain that your trunks are too big. as a precaution, i fixed up all the pistols partially to prevent such incidents again.

Hmmmm... the other day when i handed my certs and stuff over to Kok Wah, he said that he was surprised that i took N before taking O. Haiz... why the distinction between human beings? so what if i came up through the normal stream? does it mean that i'm any lesser? so what if someone else is from the express stream? does it mean he is any smarter? anyway, Kok Wah was saying that its good as it showed that i had the perserverance to move up. -_-" i know he dont mean anything bad. but it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Recently, my painting of Gundam has led me to realise something. when you fully focus on something, you'll get a sense of mind, heart and body merging into one. its a very indescribable feeling of peace and unity.

When you are too focused, you lost thoughts of your problems. when you are scattered, you also lost thoughts of your problems. why does 2 actions of opposites leads to the same result?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

19th July 2009

Yesterday morning went over to meet alf at 9am to pass him some herbs that my mom plants. Was quite surprised when he say he consumed this kind of herb before when he was still living in Penang. Seems like in Penang, they grow all sorts of plants at home and this is the kind which they consume to fight off diabetics.

Went home after that as i wore my geta out. walking in geta is quite tiring. Yan turn out to be home and ma cooked ba gu teh. sad part is, when the ba gu teh was done, ma throw in some veg into the soup. haiz... the taste is diluted... how come ma dont understand...

Spend most of the afternoon painting gundam.

Rushed out in the evening to Mikel to place a preorder, pass a set of stitch horoscope to purplepooh and finally to PS to put in some stock.

Woke up groggy in the morning and late for service. arranged to meet Ranna for service at the 3rd service. heehee after service, kelvin drove us to 284 to collect money and i went shopping at Ang Mo.

all these for $36.50~ oh, i forgot a packet of kitkat...

Went home to meet pa ma for dinner. we went to Potong Pasir for Assam Fishhead.

Assam Fishhead

Hot Plate Vension

Gu Lu Rou

Sweet and Sour Fish slices

Leftovers. or whatever's left.

This was the fried spring chicken from my house downstairs. haiz... super disappointing, i had never been so disappointed by spring chicken before. it tastes burnt and even squirt out oil as i bite into it. super duper gross...