Sunday, November 1, 2009

2nd Nov 2009

The prob with not blogging for a long time is that, when you wanna blog, you forget what you wanna talk about. but the thing is, there are so many things happening at the same time, i'm really unsure what to talk about.

lets start with some minor things first. got the issue sorted out that its my USB hub that was faulty, causing my phone to be unable to sync properly with my laptop. was terribly crippled during that period of time.

Feeling rushed and helpless in my attempts to be selling insurance, i started praying for better result, for more contacts. My prayers were sort of answered. I'm talking to more ppl in the past month than the past year. Even Vicky, my ex-gf, messaged me in Facebook.

I believe tat in this line, i'll be able to do well, if i stay in it long enough. IF i stayed in it long enough. but will i stay in it long enough? thoughts are going through my head. regardless of what kok wah say about keeping me "hungry", i should have realise this fact long ago. when i have debts/bills weighting on my mind, i dont function well. it has happened when i was working with yeo, he tot i was having a medical condition and keep sending me to see chinese sensei with him and had acupuncture done to try to improve my condition, but the simple fact is, if i was paid enough to clear my bills and get those lawyer letters off my back from M1, i'll be able to work. saying that he also has lawyer letters from M1 wont really help improve my motivation to work. If i'm going to be bankrupt by a mobile bill, might as well dont work.

In rich dad poor dad, they mentioned that, purchasing assets that generate wealth should come before repaying debts. that i agree, but i think when talking about debts, there's a distinction between debts and bills. Bills are necessities you'll need to pay for your daily living.

hmmmmmm.... being in the finanicial industry, i'm seeing a better picture on finance and interests. if i dont pay my singtel bill on time, they will charge me additional $5 for late payment. $5 dont really seems to be alot, but taking into consideration that my monthly subscription is only $7, its an additional 70%.

When you stop seeing small money as money, no matter how much BIG money you earn, will only be going to paying things that make other ppl rich. When you stop seeing where your money goes properly, you'll just lose all of it.

Currently, kok wah has been giving alot of coaching in my presentation and so on. think i'll keep working on it for now. When the deadline for EP arrives, i'll see how to move on from there ba.

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