Monday, July 20, 2009

20th July 2009

Wake up this morning and helped ma to cook red bean paste. after which, we went out for brunch. dad dropped me off at Bishan MRT.

I went over to PS to put in some stuff and rearranged the cupboard. by the time i was done, it was already 5 plus. so end up i went home instead. will be going out early tomorrow to study. by the way, tomorrow's my CHI paper.



Look at what i have become~ on the left 买卖军火 on the right 逼良为娼

But so far, guns has been bringing in alot of profit, think i'll try to sell off all my old series. changing stratergy to sell pieces as loose which explains why i took out the whole series, leaving only the display sets to sell.

Speaking of which, there was one client which got me VERY irritated. firstly, he asked for the 3 rifles of Guns 12 and said he'll be over the next day to collect. though the Outpost staff told him that there will be no promises and they'll hope that it to deliver by thursday. once it's in the shop, they will call him up. i MADE the effort to have it delievered the next day. in the end, he didnt come over til sunday. and when he came, he told the staff that he dont wan the rifles anymore and he wants the pistol from Guns Super Selection BUT he wants it at a discount, $8 instead of the stated $18. Of course, i insisted on not lowering the price. 绝版 guns you know? then the idiot finally decided to buy it, but he had difficulty putting it together, so the staff sold him the displayed piece instead. When i went to check on it, of course it wont work, the idiot clammed the piece on the spring! how is the spring supposed to push in that way? and he broke some of the pins that hold the pieces together. luckily, the pistol once fixed together again by me can still work nicely. you know what? the idiot actually told the staff that i must have used glue in putting the pistol together. -_- if you dont know how to swim, dont complain that your trunks are too big. as a precaution, i fixed up all the pistols partially to prevent such incidents again.

Hmmmm... the other day when i handed my certs and stuff over to Kok Wah, he said that he was surprised that i took N before taking O. Haiz... why the distinction between human beings? so what if i came up through the normal stream? does it mean that i'm any lesser? so what if someone else is from the express stream? does it mean he is any smarter? anyway, Kok Wah was saying that its good as it showed that i had the perserverance to move up. -_-" i know he dont mean anything bad. but it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Recently, my painting of Gundam has led me to realise something. when you fully focus on something, you'll get a sense of mind, heart and body merging into one. its a very indescribable feeling of peace and unity.

When you are too focused, you lost thoughts of your problems. when you are scattered, you also lost thoughts of your problems. why does 2 actions of opposites leads to the same result?

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