Sunday, October 4, 2009

5th Oct 2009

Waiting at home now for library to open. then go over to settle some renewals as well as borrow some books.

Feeling lazy to go into office, but have to go lah. its not right to slack on the job. frankly, staying home, i always cant get any proper work done unless i really really focus. recently went on another gaming rampage, cutting out all my games again. will still be playing dragonica though, cos this way, irin can play together with me. heehee.

Really ah, all answers will come to you somehow, you just need to discern what is right or wrong. my reservist mate came online, and i chatted with him. he's also another very cina guy. when i ask him about eight immortals and eight diagram, he say he not very clear also. then he say why not check baidu? TING~ well, if it was me in the past, i wont have gone to check it as i only use baidu for searching for mp3. so i went to check it, and the answer i had been searching for is really there. and in very detailed explaination.

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