Thursday, June 4, 2009

4th June 2009

Went over to CSC to pick some stuff and went over the PS to sort out some stuff in the locker.

Its getting abit hard to ask raymond out. what we like to eat, dont match. he dont wanna go gym also. abit paisei to ask him to run all the way to TPY. Bukit Batok gym dont have chin-up trainer also.

Even though, i'm against meeting Sunny too often during this time, i'm just too bored... so went to meet her and hang out after her work is over.

We went to try out the circle line. wah, the train is only 3 cabins. the type of train used is similar to the Northeast line train. Throughout the journey, Sunny kept hopping up and down the 3 cabins claiming how small it is. hahaha, just like a little kid.

We went over to Junction 8 and had Shilin for dinner. not very filling, but ok for me as i'm trying to cut down on eating. damn, i keep thinking of going for sushi buffet again.

Went over to the library after dinner. I took some books and went into the reading area. Sunny selected books to read too and followed me into the reading area. I was surprised when she took out a pair of reading glasses as she settled down beside me. She blushed when she noticed me staring at her. then she tried to hide behind her book. i lean in and whisper into her ear, "you look pretty with glasses too." and she flushed a deeper red. halfway through, she fell asleep on my shoulder. guess she's too tired from work. i gently let her lie on my lap and continued to read. from time to time, i'll pat her gently on the head. heehee, sort of like having a puppy.

borrowed a number of books to study on. feel abit guilty as Sunny went home herself. Too many book to carry and send her also.

Came home, packed my figmas, cleared the table. can start to study tomorrow.

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