Saturday, June 20, 2009

20th June 2009

Yesterday flunk my M9 again. haiz... Kok Wah wan to arrange for me to try again, go for refresher as well as go to his office where he will go through the text with me. -_-" even til now, i'm not sure how much comission will there be for selling policies. also whether there will be basic or not. Hmmm... maybe it's time to find kok wah and hammer out the terms and stuff. I'll be needing money to move ard and support my basic needs.

After the flunked test, went over to PS to put in stock. will be concentrating more on selling my old extras. mainly chibi gallery stuff. Shannon had some difficulty with customer and merchants again. service line is always like that. you cant please all of the ppl all of the time.

Went over to meet boon and ray for nihon mura. nice long talking session. crap about everything there is. talk about finance and future plans as well. basically the 3 of us are not working at the moment. Ray will be looking for work using his degree though. as for me and boon, paper quali not there. have to look for other means.

After the buffet, went over the millinia walk to chill out and try some new coffee at starbucks. Slash came lugging a big box. a new NAS that can hold up to 4 HDDs. wanted to try out the dark mocca, but end up just taking abit from ray and slash in order to save my last $10 for popeye chicken later. Tubei came over to chill also. Shinvy came also. angie and her colleague dropped in for 5 mins. now then i know that slasher tot that i have a strong dislike for going to the cinema. hahaha, when i say that its not the cinema but its a money issue, then we both realise that slash had all the while tot that i have no money issue, and that i have been doing IT at home as a side income as he is. hahaha, then i just told him, if he is willing to pay, i'm willing to go.

After coffee, tubei left to meet his friend for movie. me boon ray shinvy slash went over to Popeye chicken to meet up with pebble. Popeye chicken shrunk... how sad... haiz... Boon left early to catch the last bus. me slash pebble ray shinvy went to sit by the river to enjoy the sea breeze while chatting. pebble told us about her office politics and bad IT service. slash and i laughed as we plan out all kind of evil things we can do to thier IT dept. Head feel very big today as slash compliment me twice: that i'm one of the few who can see through ppl (mainly him) and that i have GREAT IT skills. by the way, both are not true. i just know how to BS ppl. hahaha. at the end, shinvy got too tired. so we went home.

Hmmm... actually i was thinking if i should be bringing sunny along to meet them. think she might enjoy talking to them also. Sun lovers are a very unique group of ppl. slash comment that in the history of IRC, there wasnt any group that was as active, as big, as happening as sunlovers. even now, there isnt any to match.

Sunny almost fainted when she saw my collection of comics. how can anyone have so much comics stacked under the desk? then i showed her whats in the cupboard. her eyes went wide~ then i showed her whats in yan's room. needless to say, she asked to borrow some. :) nay... i told her that she can come over and read anytime.

Sunny had the nickname of literature girl. a similarity between us. someone once asked why am i always seen with a book? another person answered if randy isnt with a book, he isnt randy. hahaha well... that was in the paper age. but even know, i feel better flipping a book that just reading everything off a LCD screen. even though i read most of the stuff online due the the speed of release as well as money issue, i'll still go and buy the comic books when i have the money.

Wonder if all Taurus or all earth-based horoscopes are like that. Sunny likes to eat yummy food. irin always comes to mind when talking about food outings. Sunny likes hangs out with her friends and eat yummy food. maybe the 2 of them can become good friends?

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