Sunday, June 21, 2009

21th June 2009

Yesterday gull sent me an email about the conversation he had with irin over msn.
Hmmmm.... seems like she tried talking to WQ about us as well. bad mistake. hahaha WQ is somehow the total opposite of me. he's competitive while i'm cooperative. he's a male chauvinist while i'm not. Seems like he had given irin an impression that i'm feeling inferior due the the fact that irin is much higher educated than me. haiz... inferiority complex is a BIG thing with irin.
the truth is, i'm proud of what she has achieved and will achieve. and i have no qualms about her earning more than me or paying for me or stuff.

Seems like alot of compliments are coming to me recently.
Seagull: i believe that randy is not a slacker or someone who enjoys doing nothing
he is someone with capability and will go far in the righ environment
he has yet to realise his potential
Thanks, dude. thats one of the best compliment that anyone can have. kinda of remind me of feng yun. 金鳞本是池中物,一遇风云便化龙。

Slash had a very high opinion of me as a IT person.

the most surprising thing was that today my mom said to me something that she had never said before. When she and my family went to attend the prize presentation which i was the N-level top student, they ran into my principal and he told my mom that i was a very intelligent person. since that time, my mom always thinks that i'm meant for "GREAT" things. hahahaha all my life, my mom only comment to me that i wasnt a kind person, even to the point of ruthless.

Today went over to TPY for Bak Gu Teh. Uncle4 bought 3 baskets of durian and they were eating durian like crazy. Dad let me drive his car ard the car park a few times. hmmmm... auto car will need some time to get used to. parking also will need practise since the poles are no longer there to guide. the "party" was nice. alot of ppl came. food's awesome too.

Seems like Sunny is abit shy ard ppl. she have a tendenacy to cling onto ppl that she know. she cant even talk to strangers properly. hahaha. when i asked her, how did she managed to start talking to me, she didnt know. life is such. sudden. unexplained.

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