Thursday, February 5, 2009

5th Feb 2009 - rek

Didnt manage to get a slot for this early morning. so stay home and did some downloading and other stuff.

Driving today is alot smoother. after 2 rounds ard the circuit, we drove to the public road. feeling a bit more confident with the workings of the car. for some reason, i get cold feet before going to driving, but once i sit behind the wheel, i'm as bold as anything. even the instructor today ask if i have drove before. guess years of watching dad and yeo drive isnt a bad thing. hahaha, if anything, i'm good at observing and imitating.

After which, i went over to PS to top up some stock. hmmm... might have to redo the display again or to look for another way to display more stuff. hahaha here i am saying that i'm thinking of closing the locker, but i keep looking for ways to improve how it looks and attract sales. maybe its more of a hobby and a fun thing to do rather than a means of bread and butter.

Maybe i'm easily moved, but the recent bleach opening really touched me. here it is. along with the lyrics as the youtube isnt very clear.

I still act happy when i sing even though i'm frustrated by the latest trends
Maybe it's reckless to just say, "run away" but i've got the wind at my back.
There's no time to look back, i'm surrounded by enemies and the next "game" is an all-out war.
There are mountains, vallys, cliffs...
and the dust keeps piling up.
i collapse outside of town, landing softly.
My legs are weary of their endless journey.
And i slip in and out of a restless sleep.
I see the same profile, hear the same words over and over.
As the smoke from my cigarette vanishes into the sky,
I wonder, "Isnt life sad if all you do is just live?"
Guess i'm still a helpless kid after all.
Now, having witnessed sadness you should never have seen
Crying tears that should have remained dry.
We may not be tough enough to live on truth alone,
But you know, we don't need to be.

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