Tuesday, February 10, 2009

10th feb 2009 - rek

Woke up this morning and went for driving.

Bad bad day... flu acting up. head hazy... cant stay alert. made many mistakes. instructor was hopping mad. haiz...

went to meet irin. made her angry also. end up going home to rest. irin bought me some flu medicine. we watched twilight abit before i concuss.

sent irin to tpy mrt. on my way home, the bus 28 malfunction at the braddell flyover. -_- got stuck there for 1 hour plus. sian...


Two of the nendoriod which i chose to forgo for now. due to the inflation of yen dollars or the workings of the toy merchants, the price rose from 42 to the current 50. and thats pre-order price. -_- how to buy? not to mention that i have no money to buy at the moment. also even if i buy, also no place to display for now. shrug. just ranting. baby, dont buy this for me. not worth it lah. if wanna buy...


is much better. but also not worth the price for the time being...

best if you dont get me toys, pricing are too inconsistance. few months down the road, these could be selling at 20 or 30 dollars. hahaha better to be hunting. more fun.

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