Wednesday, February 18, 2009

18th Feb 2009 - rek

Was abit unhappy today. when i reach the driving center and check the booking, there was a slot at 4pm. so i placed my slot at 6pm for try-sell and hope to get the one at 4pm. end up both slots were sold. -_-"

haiz... guess have to live with it then. anyway, yan helped me booked another 2 lessons for next monday and tuesday. hopefully what she says is correct and that the test will not be cancelled til the 25th feb.

Today's lessons was quite smooth and the instructors were good. i passed 5 points today. Yan talked to the 2nd instructor to take better care of me. anyway, not worried as the subjects he passed were quite easy and straight forward. think might need more practice with the parrellel parking and vertical parking.

Maybe it might be good that i cant make it for the test also. if i dont have enough practice, i feel that even if i pass, i might not be "safe" enough for the road.

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