Wednesday, February 25, 2009

25th feb 2009 - rek

Stayed at home all day and gamed. sort of satisfied as i maxed my level.

Pet Society max level 34 @ 144000 paw points.

Originally i wanted to hit 200000 just to over take slasher. but while i was leveling hard, one of my friend overtook me by hacking. that sort of killed my passion. haiz... so guess i think dont have to be leveling anymore on pet society. just gather coins to create the look i like ba.

Sometimes i wonder, no doubt leveling is a slow and painful process, but if you wanna hack, why do you wanna play?

Mafia wars and farm town are just waiting game now. think the more interesting one will be molidao ba.

Anyway, will be planning to sleep early tonight. still have the tendenacy to wake at 6am in the morning. so if dont sleep early and cant sleep in the day, dont think i'll be able to get much sleep.

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