Monday, February 23, 2009

23th Feb 2009 - rek

Actually, on friday night, me and irin had a really big fight due to the differences we have in our future plans and ideal lifestyle. She's abit angry over the part where i'm spending to go buffet and stuff when i should be saving the money to live on longer. haiz... cant say that she is wrong, but once in a while, i just wanna eat... to enjoy good food...

Maybe from the way i'm behaving now, it looks like i have no ambition. After a very heated arguement with irin, then she realised that i'm actually trying to change my mindset. i wish not to be just another employee anymore. i wan to generate enough income to retire comfortable.

Based on a monthly retirement income of 2k, and the bank's deposit interest rate of 0.25%pa, i need a principal sum of 9,600,000. not very likely to get that amount through normal working and saving. Of course, you can tell me that share and other investments will yield more. but this is just a projection for a wake-up call. only if i can make 10 millions, then can retire without worry.

Sat morning irin came over, we had breakfast while watching kamen rider. heehee first time she did that with me. after that we took a nap before going to to meet irin's friends, cat and liz for Mr. Curry at central mall.

The meal was quite ok. I had the set meal of fried prawns and salmon cheese toast. and also ordered a tandoori chicken naan-bread pizza. curry wise is ok la. the pizza isnt very nice. there is the cheese baked curry rice, that was very nice.

After that, we went over to Ps to put in some stuff for my cupboard. Put in the stand i made for display as well as 2 sets of chibi gallery.
after that, irin and her friends went off and i went over to Marina Square to meet Slasher and Meshelle arrived shortly after i reached.
Didnt really eat anything as i'm not hungry, and order a large drink instead. later junior came with her male friend, purple with her bf and finally Wuqing with his gf. after everyone finished dinner, we went into MS to walk ard. Meshelle caught 2 doreamon at the UFO machine.
Finally we stopped at starbucks for coffee and chilling out. alot of chatting and catching up went on. junior's friend was talking to slasher about career and stuff. somehow i got pulled into the picture. slasher love junior's friend's expression when i made the statement that anything illegal will be sure to generate profit. hahaha

Went for church in the morning alone. then meet irin at mac for some breakfast while waiting for Raymond and Liz to reach and we went swimming. Here's irin and liz hiding under a umbrella to prevent over tanning. hahaha so cute.
after swimming, we went over to PS for lao beijing high tea buffet. since the place was full, we went to cafe cartel instead. haiz... the original plan was for chuan chuan at MS for dinner which will be ard $4 but somehow in between, it changed to lao beijing ard $15.90++ but in the end, it became cafe cartel at $20++. haiz... sian... my finance all dried up. the difficult part about going out with friends, is that you dont wanna spoil sport but you have no control over your financial.

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