Wednesday, February 4, 2009

4th Feb 2009 - rek

Went for Driving Prac early in the morning. Hmmm... so far i havent really talked about my driving lessons yet.

Basically i'm glad that i went to learn from school rather than private. why? i had 4 lessons so far, and 4 different instructors taught me. somehow each of them have different driving habits that are important and beneficial to pick up. the one that taught me in the morning, placed alot of emphasis on hold down on the brakes when you are stationary. then the one in the afternoon emphasis on looking ahead of traffic, line of sight. with better view of the traffic ahead, you can plan easier for a smooth brake.

so far, i went out on the public road once this afternoon, went up to 4th gear drove at 70. the instructor told me to slow down when i'm nervous or afraid. but somehow, the more nervous i am, the faster i drove. -_-" have to change that. must be ccooooolll~~~~

After lessons, i went over to PS to pick up my sales revenue for the month of Jan. didnt realise that i've broke even in Jan. hahaha, lets hope feb can generate enough sales to cover itself. looks like i shouldnt be fooling ard much longer. need to sort out the toys and sell off the extras fast. the reason why other ppl are holding the cabinets are for clearing thier extras they got when they turn gachapons. for me, i'm looking to generate income. but by selling the current stock, i might be only depleting my own stock for covering the rental. looks like i have to re-plan, re-org abit.

Just started playing perfect world international due to the influence of uncle7. but somehow dont find it very nice. getting abit boring. good also. then i can give up playing it and concentrate on getting more things organized. but first, i wanna out level uncle7. hahaha.

Would like to dedicate the following MTV to my "brothers". basically there isnt many of you. Ray. Boon. Mond. If we were living in ancient times, know that i'll be there to guard your back. maybe thats the reason why i like to play RPG games. i like the feeling of being there for someone when they need. In real life, its abit hard to ask for help when you need. Needing help and asking for it is all a natural thing, but being ourselves, its always hard to put your face down and ask.

Boon always responds to any call for KS in maple. maybe he also feels the same way. Sorry Ray, didnt make it yesterday. but sore throat, think you better stay home abit. away from outside food. Mond, thanks for lending me the money to buy lego. will return you asap. but hopefully before the new castle series comes, if not, i might have to borrow more. hahaha

Karen Mok version

Real version

Would like to dedicate this song to my beloved irin. never doubt how i feel for you. again. if i forget to tell you how much i love you, just tell me how much you love me first. muack

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