Tuesday, April 7, 2009

7th April 2009 - Rin

Have Been sick for the past one week, having flu and fever, have to avoid food with milk due to the antibiotics that I am taking. Met up with Randy, Liz, Ray and Slash for nihon mura on last tues, as Randy had already mention in the previous post. The following is the colouring that me, slash and liz have done, can you see the rainbow and the poker dots? It is done by me, haha, Slash was saying that I am psycho, muahaha, I guess after seeing the colours of the dogs most people will think we are psycho ba. Heez..

Went to Ishi Mura which is the new Japanese theme Food Court @ Pomo Centre, many people will ask where is Pomo Centre, while it is the old Paradiz Centre, the one near Cathay. The ambience there was very japanese like and clean, unlike the food courts out there. There wasn't much crowd when we were there, wonder is it becoz it is slightly after lunch hours. Both of us are kind of interested in quite a number of stuff they sell there, such as the jap pasta and pizza as well as the salmon mentai rice burger. Thinking of it makes me drools, Haha, but we didn't manage to try that, so guess there will definately be another trip there.

Randy with his ramen..

Original Ramen($3.90). Randy realise that no matter what ramen you order the soup they provide is the same so he decide to order the original one. The ramen here is horrible. Really horrible, the noodle is definately overcooked, and the soup simply tasted like those pre pack instant noodle(ramen favour) soup. On top of that, the egg is overcook and it is far too salty. Guess everyone can just skip the ramen there.

Beef Omu Rice With Black Pepper Sauce ($5.50). The black pepper sauce is quite mild, while the egg that is wrapping the rice is not too dry, the beef patty is juicy as well. Yummilicious... I will definately come back for this again.

Seafood Okonomiyaki ($6.50) - It consists of 2 small little scallops, prawns and a few tiny little strands of octopus legs. At a price of $6.50, this is definately not worth the price. But I guess we might come back for the original one which is only $3.90. Randy sort of like it because there isn't much batter and we can still taste the sweetness of the cabbage used.

The mango Drink that I have. ($2.30)

There is bite pieces of mango in it, but personally I don't think it taste like mango, but it didn't taste like jelly as well. Wonder what is it?

While today, I went over to randy's place by bus, the dumb dumb bus driver keep jerking and jerking till the extend that I almost puke on the bus. Feeling giddy for the whole day.. humph.. we spent the day together alone, I had a very enjoyable time there, its really been a while since the both of us have sometime alone at home. Hopefully we have more of such time in the future. Heez..

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