Wednesday, April 29, 2009

29th April 2009 (Aston & MOF) - Rin

Went for F9 class in the morning, after which met with Randy and we travel over to marina sq to meet slash for lunch. Went over to the food court at Marina sq as usual, I had my yummilicious ayam penyat, steamed har gao and prawn dumpling with spinach. Randy ate the oyster omelette that I loved but this time the portion seems smaller and its no longer as nice as previously, he also ordered 2 popiah from 奇记 as well. Slash had fish with rice from the western stall, he was saying the western store auntie thought he was a foreigner so she speak with some weird weird slang. Muahaha. After lunch, we walk around home fix cause Slasher wanted to get a drill for his wall. Went over to Gloria jeans to study till round 730 before heading over to Aston's Specialties Newly opened branch at suntec for dinner, we were pretty surprised that there wasn't much queue as we expected. Below are some of the pictures of the food that we had there.

Cream of Mushroom Soup: It tasted like the Campbell one, nothing really special about this.

Prime Rib Eye Extra Cut: I had it medium rare served with baked beans and coleslaw while liz had it medium with mashed potato and coleslaw, the steak was nicely done to our liking unlike my previous experience at the east coast branch, on top of that I really loved the sauce they are offering here, think it might be because of that liz really loved her steak a lot..

Slash's rack of pork ribs, he keep saying its a lot and he can't finish it, but all of us was thinking ribs don;t really have a lot of meat what? Hahaha, but come to think of it, it might be due to the baked potato and the pasta salad OR his appetite is really small compared of ours.

Randy's Prime Sirloin Steak (medium) served with mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. He finish the whole thing but he wasn't full, guess the serving might be a little small for him. He prefer the sauce at TPY hawker to this one, so I am more than honoured to finish his. Muahahaha...

Raymond's Prime Sirloin (Medium) with Coleslaw and Mashed Potato, I was a little shocked with he wanted it medium, cause he usually ordered his steak medium rare, like me he like the "bloody taste". Muahaha, at the same time he really loved the coleslaw as well.

We can see that Liz is very happy with her steak right?

Randy cutting his sirloin, personally I didn't really like sirloin cause after cooking it, it's usually harder than Ribeye and it has a layer of fats on top of the meat.

Ray seems really happy rite? He had always wanted to try Aston and finally he had the chance.

Slash's evil face with his Snapple cranberry...

Me with my Rib eye, I really loved it a lot...

Its really up to my expectations this time, look at the colour of the steak.
After Aston, we decided to go for our usual 2nd round which is dessert, hahaha, slasher was really shocked that all of us can still eat after Aston. After discussing for a while, we decided on MOF (Ministry of Food) since I have the membership card, and there will be a 10% discount.

Ray's mango "Ice Kachang" with Soft Serve, boon & ray has always called this dish Ice kachang mainly because of the ice shaving underneath the soft serve.

Lizzie's Macha Zen: Red Bean paste with dango and macha gelato.

My gelato waffle, it's really yummilicious, the favour that I had was creamy and thick durian, refreshing watermelon and sweet rockmelon..

Slash ordered a Chocolate Sundae with Kanta Jelly.

Randy's Macha Sundae with Kanta Jelly (which is good for digestion cause it contains fiber)

Guess what is Randy looking at?

There are 3 spoons here, guess who uses which?

Here's the answer, slashers uses the big big one as well as the red one at the same times he also uses the longer version of my tiny tiny teaspoon. Liz and I asked the waitress for a bigger spoon after Slash complain about the spoon being too small, and guess what, the waitress came back with a soup spoon just like what Liz had predicted.

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