Thursday, April 23, 2009

24th Apr 2009 - rek

Irin was complaining that i havent been blogging recently. well... since i'm up abit early today. good to take some time to blog.

Hmmm... should i give a reason for not bloggin? maybe i should.
reason for not blogging: Main PC conked out after a windows update. haiz... thats it in a nutshell. every 5 mins, the pc will restart itself. it might be due to the main board, so might change it over the weekend.

Attended the Prudential tutorial course over the last 3 days. the feeling of going to school again. hahaha. anyway, its better than going through the text book by myself which they expect us to do also. surprisingly, most of the ppl are the young ones or PR.

Was having a head on the second day of class, but a pair of panadol took care of it.

Recently been very into this new game call civony.

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