Wednesday, April 22, 2009

22nd April 2009 - Rin

Its raining cats and dogs now while I was blogging, Randy is sleeping already, he is down with a headache for the whole day today, guess he took a panadol and went to bed when he reaches home at around 5 plus. As for me, I went for my F5 class in the morning today as usual, half way thru randy decided to disturb me by sms-ing me that he can't seems to understand his lecture today because he skip the afternoon class for me, guess he is trying to make me feel guilty, and it really does seems to work today. Muahaha..

Daddy and Momma decided to pick me up after class, went over to NYP to pick my sis up also, there was a big commotion about the location my sis is at and where to pick her up. We went over to or favourite roast meat stall at Zion road for roast pork, char siew and roasted duck, find it all to my liking today, but daddy and momma find the roast pork a little blend today. After lunch we went over to Great world to shop for a juicer. After which home sweet home. Had bee hoon for dinner, I loved the bee hoon daddy cooked, it might be because the taste of it is similar to the one that my granny used to cook for us when she is still around. Really missed her a lot, I think I am still unable to get over the fact that at the time she passed away, I was in Bangkok and I didn't know about it until I was back in Singapore, didn't manage to see her for the last time, but luckily my uncles decided to have a 7 days funeral. The incident really taught me to cherish and treasure the people around me even more especially my family and friends .

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