Thursday, January 8, 2009

8th January 2009

Didn't do much in the day today, but at night the C4 which is Linda, Joyce (my cousins), my sis and I went to Kuishinbo at Great World City for a meal to celebrate Joyce's birthday. It's been a long time since the only the 4 of us went out together.

The food there was okay (free flow bamboo clams but have to order through the staff) even thought the price at this branch was a little higher than the others, the price was $39.90++ instead of the $35.90 ++. The variety was a little more and the food that is served at this branch seems more expensive as compare to the other branch (eg, scallops, lambchops, oysters) on top of that the sashimi are freshly cut by the chef in front of u instead you taking the readily prepared ones. The candle which was used to heat the tonburi and kaminabe was also serve by the staff at the service area instead of the counter staff, so customers does not need to carrying the heavy stand and the lighted candle which could be dangerous at time.

The service was great, the staff is very prompt at clearing, serving the candle stand for out tonburi and kaminabe as well as answering our questions. But it is quite a disappointment that there the half hourly special was not available in other words there is no "Dong dong Dong 123" where everyone will rush to the counters to get the special items. There isn't much crowds here as compare to the other branches in fact i think only half or three quarter of the restaurant is occupied throughout our time there. So this place is much more suitable for people like me who hates crowds. The following are some of the pictures that we took while we were there, glad that all of us enjoy ourselves there. Heez.

C4, the close up shot.

C4 Shot number 2

The crab ladies 1, Joyce doing her funny face thingy

The crab ladies 2

Crabbie Ladies 3

Funny Picture, the crab is pinching the nose.. Muahaha poor juan.

Can you see how much she loves the crab..

Yummy crabbie...

Joyce enjoying her crabbie.

Can see that my sis and Linda is enjoying the food

Linda enjoying her seafood kaminabe.

Me with the crab claw.. its sweeter than the normal snow crab legs but the meat is not as smooth as the usual ones.

Our feast..

Desserts with goes well with a cup forest fruit tea.

Joyce's Angel.

Butter Scallop Tonburi... think it would like nicer if there is more butter.

Our bird look alike platter of fruits.

Pretty and Yummy Sushi, some uniques ones are the one with the green apple sauce.

The tonburi which has a cover that looks like helmet.

Snow Crab and Fresh Prawns, Sweet and Juicy..

Yummy Tempura Prawns, Soft shell crab(hidden beneath the prawns), breaded prawns and grilled Oyster, however, the oyster are not fresh, quite a disappointment..

Bamboo Clam, one of the special item that only the branch @ Great world have

Lamb chop and Pork Yakitori, Both are kind of hard and rubbery..

Side Dishes: Smoked Duck, Potato Salad, Ikan Bilis, Jellyfish and Idako

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