Sunday, January 18, 2009

18th January 2009

Went for a haircut with Juan(my sis) and my cousin Linda yesterday at Far East. Juan had rebonding while Linda had a perm. Had to wait for them for hours, as I was only having a haircut. I was kind of chased out of the salon was there was seriously too much customers there. So decide to walk around but Far East was extremely crowded maybe because of last min shoppers. So decided to go over to Randy's place to nua abit coz it's was only 5 plus and Linda will only finished at around 8 plus. Went over to spend some time with Randy before traveling back to meet Linda and Juan for dinner.

Decided to have our dinner at Central, at first we were thinking of having fisherman's wharf, but we change to Mr Curry in the end because Fisherman's wharf does not have air con. Muahaha... We waited for more than 30 mins before we get our seats, the 3 of us was irritated as we were both tired and hungry. I personally feel like killing the people who are seating there chit chatting with their friends when they know that there are people waiting to be sitted. But we decided to stick with My Curry as it was already 9 plus and most restaurants would already be closing. When we get in, I perosonally loves the deco that the restaurant, I find it cute and girly. On top of that, the food was served a lot faster than we expected maybe because we requested to make our order before we were given the seats. Even though the food was served fast, the utensils was only given to us after we requested for it which was like 10 mins later. So I wasn't very pleased with the service level that Mr Curry is providing. But think I might go back on a less busy day afternoon to try the shrimp omelette curry set as well as the other types of curries that they are offering which include black(rich), red(fresh) and white(creamy). Below are some of the photos that we have taken as well as some elaborations on the food we had:

Mr Curry the place where we had our dinner.

Haha, Linda posing with the pots, you can see that we didn't have much to do while waiting.

Me with the 'M' that represents 'Mei' which is me.. Muahaha...

Can see that Juan is not very happy having to wait for so long. She feel like murdering the waitresses cause she REALLY very Hungry.

The sign at the entrance of Mr Curry.

Its real virign olive oil and balsamic vinegar, think it is a good way to let it age while not having to waste kitchen space.. Muahaha..

It only states Mr Curry, wonder what is in the can, maybe its empty. Humpf.

Part of the deco that is right beside of our table..

The coaster was kind of special, there is a simple sudoku printed on it . Haha, Sudoku lovers you can solve them while waiting for ur orders to come.

There is a special kind of sauce that is available at the left side of each table. And it is the mango dressing, wonder wat is it use for. Juan was joking taht we can add the mango dressing to plain water to get mango juice that Linda actually wanted but it was sold out.

Topping Menu: You can add extra toppings to the dishes that you ordered. There is a whole range of topping from seafood (Shrimps, Squid, Oyster, Museels) to meats(Katsu, beef, hamburg) and also vegetables (mushrooms, and spinach). The cost of the each toppings varies so take a look at the price before you order.

Value for Money Lunch Menu: You can choose one dish from A which is mainly the curries, the portion is a lot smaller than the normal ones, while the range of dishes from B are mainly sandwiches and pizza.

The kids menu: It looks really nice, and there is omu rice.. Tempted to ordered, but we can't,.. It's only for kids..Humpf, so sometimes its good to be a kid. Humpf... Maybe I should bring a kid along and order the meal and ask him/her to choose something from the normal menu instead.. *Evil Grin.

Here on the special menu, the top 3 rows are the main course such as steaks, stews and hot plate items. These dishes do not come with any rice or curry. If you would like to order rice, it comes along with soup at a price of $3.80++. The bottom 2 rows are mainly side dishes, some examples are fried button mushroom, prawn fritters, fries, mussels and etc.

Juan had fanta cherry, it tasted like the non-gas-sy version of F&N cherry. It's not as sweet as F&N Cherry as well.

Both linda and i had Calpis soda, its mainly japanese yogurt drink with soda water. My actual order order was Calpis Water, but decided to just leave it. Personally i think the soda water was a little too much, even after mixing it properly, I can't really tasted Calpis.

Chicken & Mushroom Risotto: I ordered for an additional topping of minced beef to be added, had a craving for beef on that day. But in the end, think the taste of the minced beef is so heavy that it kind of covered the taste of the curry, so after eating my mouth is only full of the taste and the smell of the beef. The risotto was also a little too watery for my liking, I feel more like eating congee instead of risotto.

Stewed Cheese & Hamburg Curry: Tasted a little, the hamburg was juicy and tender, for this dish, the selection of the curry are not allowed in the range of stewed curries, only the original curry is served, so if you are interested in the other curries, you might have to order other ranges.

Pork Katsu Spagehetti set: Tasted a little, the katsu was not too bad, its juicy but not oily, even I who is not a fan of breaded stuff find it kind of nice. But to me the curry was a disappointment, Linda ordered the extra spicy orginal favour curry, but all I tasted was the chilli and not much of the curry favour.

Linda with the cute fork and spoon.

Waiting to started on my risotto.

From her smile, you can see that Linda enjoyed her Pork Katsu Spaghetti Curry too.
We can see that Juan was very happy with stewed cheese and hamburg curry to the extend that she keep saying "I am very happy with the food".

Me eating the risotto, the portion of the risotto is kind of small, so guys if you are a big eater maybe you might want to order some side dishes.


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