Saturday, January 17, 2009

17th Jan 2009 - rek

went with ma to buy casing at togoyo. Bought the stack of 6 boxes for $42, and the chairs for $15. mama say too many boxes liao, i think its too little.

For the past few times, i've been trying to throw a tea-can away. but ma ma keep fishing it out. When mama first found it in the bag of things i was going to bwang, she ask why i throwing that away.
"its expired"
"tea where got expiry date? isnt it better as it aged?"
"do you drink this kind of tea?"
"i dont either, so bwang lor. anyway might be poisonous since it expired."
"but the can look so nice..."
"what for you wan the can for?"
"keep coins lor."
"and let everything rust together? bwang la, if you wan, keep the can, but throw the content."
then mama put the can one side along with its content.

here it is folks~ the legendary tea-can~

Isnt the things so much better after being packed?

Final picture after putting back the doors.

When alf first got to know me, he commented that when i talk to ppl, my eyes seems to be avoiding contact and is looking all over the place. what happened was, in the past, i maintained full eye contact, and someone told me that i look very fierce. after that, i dont maintain a constant eye contact when talking to ppl.

Today it suddenly struck me that its not me that is looking fierce, but its the person whom i was talking to, having a guilty heart. many a times, its not how ppl look at you, but how you think ppl look at you. it is not the other's eyes that you fear, its the you whom you see in others eyes. are you proud and guiltless enough to face yourself? i am.

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