Saturday, January 31, 2009

31th Jan 2009 (CNY Special) - rek

Its been a very er... sort of busy, lazy new year week. so this will be a long blog to account for everything in the past week. Irin got to know that i have another new blog, and she was quite upset about it. baby, i'm still blogging in this blog, just that this week, lazy la. Part of the issue with not blogging on a regular basis is that memories will get hazy, and you start forgetting what you wan to write about.

25th Jan 2009, Sat (one day before CNY eve)

there was ritual offering to ancestors. look at all the food. take special note of the duck.

26th Jan 2009, Sun (CNY eve)
Woke up late. then start to do this and that. at night pray. stay up late to shou shui. nothing eventful.

27th Jan 2009, Monday (CNY 1st day)
Went over to TPY early. chill~ wait for red packets to flow in.

one of the tibits. prawns that my 3rd uncle fished. hmmm... somehow its over done, and not as nice as it looks... must be the maid dont know how to cook.
Anthea hiding in the matresses.

Basically eat alot of tibits, eat steamboat, collect red packet. blah blah, same new year tradition.

27th Jan 2009, Tues (CNY 2nd day)
Twanged the first half of the day at home, then went to sentosa in the evening with pa ma. Actually i had second tots about going. flowers are of no interests to me. but my sister didnt plan or rather explain the plan very well to my parents. the 2 old ones were dressed and ready to go at 2pm, while my sis was still idling on msn at her home. -_-" in the end, i have to take matters into my own hands. i asked my sis to meet us at vivo city where we will be taking tram in. then i guide my dad on the road to vivo city.

dinner was settled at the coffeeshop near my house after much consideration. Curry fishhead, stout ribs, hotplate tofu. oatmeal prawns was packed as we were too full to finish it. it was a long wait for dinner but overall quite worth.

28th Jan 2009, Wed (CNY 3rd day)
Irin came over in the morning. then we went to have lunch with ranna's in-laws at fortunate resturant. ranna didnt get the timing rite... somehow we had the impression that lunch was supposed to be at noon. but it was shifted up to 11.30. in the end, i accidently left irin at home while rushing my parents to meet ranna's in-laws. after alot of coaxing, managed to get irin to come over for lunch. sorry, baby.

We went over to TPY after that and watch some TV with uncle5. and played abit with anthea, whom developed a run-away-from-randy-and-cry symptom. the last person who got this was my aunt3's daughter. hahaha, hope she gets cured soon.

I left early with irin to get her bag from home, then send her home.

on my way to meet boon, ray, gu and cindy after sending irin home, mom suddenly called, telling me to go home to turn off the pot that dad left cooking. OMG~! where am i suppose to get a cab at that hour at that area? then ranna called to say that uncle8 sending dad home to turn off the stove. Mom pin the blame on me, saying if i had set the VCR to record the show when i went home, dad wont have to go home, and he wont start the stove. abit yuan wang rite? hmmm... but look on the bright side, thanks to this incident, i dont have to survive on the duck stew for the next week. YESH!~ well-burned.

Had a interesting gathering with boon, ray, gu and cindy. cindy happen to be preggy with her next child. hmmm... mixed feelings lah. envy, but not enough to get us starting families at that very instant.

29th Jan 2009, Thursday

Today's my first Driving Practical. Thanks to my dear sister, the first thing the instructor said to me was, Crocs, sandal, track shoes are not allowed on driving test. great... later i found out why. due to the bigginess of the crocs, you cant step on the brakes properly. with aid from its thickness, you cant feel how hard are you stepping on the accelerator. Overall, the lesson was quite interesting.

I think with driving, the difficult part is not on the theory, but on the actual getting used to the controls and different judgements of distance. let's hope i can do better next time.

Haiz.... rinna didnt come back home for dinner. dad was looking forward to watching her enjoy mom's fried pork chops with sweet & sour dip. Actually, comparing my parents to other parents, they are alot more understanding. and all they wan is to have dinner together as a family. so far, this havent happened for this chinese new year yet. true, they came back for dinner, but we all didnt eat at the same time at the same table. so that dont count. I know and can feel, pa ma are most happy, when all are together on a sunday night for dinner. so far, that was ard once or twice last year. but some times, work commitments just dont allow us that much freedom. especially with rinna's job. sooner or later, i will be going back into the work force. hope i can maintain the sunday night dinner with them.

30th Jan 2009, Friday
Irin came over in the morning. i think more or less her entry will give a better picture.

Today i also notice that my effort in cleaning the stove is starting to lose its effect. maybe will wait awhile longer before cleaning it again.

31th Jan 2009, Saturday
Went over to JB with my parents, Aunt1 and husband, seline and uncle1. a long ride.

reaching JB, here's breakfast:
Either the coffeeshop's very generous with thier teabags, or they are recycling.

The food isnt really something to talk about. been a long time since i had such bad dim sum. bet you, i can throw the siewmai at a dog and kill it. kidding lah, its too powdery and flaky to do that.

Old ones found all kinds of fruits and fa gao they were buying to use for praying to the Sky God this coming monday night.

Uncle1 showed us his plans for his new house which has been building for the past 3 years. after much effort, the toilet is there~

was suprised this thing still can move. well... its malaysia...

the female dog named bobby.

the male dog named angie. hahaha, no la. its coco. haiz... sometimes i wonder about the uncle1's naming system.

Look at the lotus. nice hor?

A sight you dont see often in singapore. high tension cable~ the feared enemy of SAF signallers~

Lunch was very disappointing. the resturant even tried to serve us stale fish. in the end, dad made them take the fish back. after which, we went back to uncle1's house to chill abit more before heading back to singapore.

after dropping off uncle8's car at TPY as well and the praying stuff, we went to balastier for assam fish head, deer meat with spring onion, oatmeal prawns, chilli potato-leaf, stewed meat. dinner was good. so much better than the malaysia one.

Throughout the journey, aunt1 was saying that seline will be giving me prob, disturbing me, but my mom say that wont happen. when it comes to bullying, i'm tops. and true enough, seline was bullied by me til she say she's going to run into the female toilet and hide there. well... she started it. she pinch me first, so i pinched her back. and i even video-ed it. hahaha.

Malaysia was nice if you prefer a slow pace. for me, i cant stand it and i think it will be even worse for irin. pa ma might like it there as they can plant things on a larger scale. see how la, i think even if pa ma go over, they will soon come back due to the food there. hahaha.

Somehow aunt1 got to know that i went to church and told my mom. and she asked my mom not to stop me from going there la, blah blah blah, that my heart is much quieter now la, blah blah blah. mom dont believe that this is so, as even before i go to church, i already have a clear, cool mind. and she even made the effort to ask me to go temple with her tomorrow to pray to tai sui. aunt1 start to tell me i shouldnt be going to temples lah. crap, anyway, i'm skipping church tomorrow and going to temple with pa ma, after that, will help them with buying things to be used for praying to sky god. sorry, but i dont be praying to a god named jealous. or any god named after negative emotions.

Sometimes i wonder about seline. my dad brought her home once when she was alone in tpy with no one to play with. i came home to find her playing by herself and not disturbing my stuff or my parents. my mom said that seline ask her to go rest as she can take care of herself. though she drank up all the peach tea in the fridge, she kept her word and was peaceful and quiet.

Then why or how did she become such a spoilt brat infront of my aunt1? this is something i really dont understand...

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