Wednesday, December 1, 2010

2nd Dec 2010

Sent in the termination for singnet this morning. They tried to counter offer me the 10meg broadband at 23.90 and 5 dollars off local line per month. When that failed, another offer of 1 meg line at 4 dollars a month.

Since my main objective is to cut cost, I just told the guy, both offers are not attractive enough.

Watched 3 idiots yesterday, excellent show!!! Aal izz vell is the first phrase the lead said Which is actually all is well. The human heart frightens easily, you'll have to keep telling it all is well to calm it down. True, it does not solves your prob, but it gives you the courage to face it.

The evil trio to stop anyone from succeeding, fear, doubt and indecisive.

In the show, a lot is said about education and parenting. I think it's a very good show. Must watch.
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