Sunday, December 12, 2010

13th Dec 2010

Weekend flew by with the Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention (STGCC). meet some old friends. had some new financial insights.

how come financial insight? well, this round's STGCC happened to be er... lacking in the area of attendees which result in a over-loading of stock. on the third day of the event, some prices are slashed down by at least 25% to 50% as exhibitors wish not to move the items back to the shop or not making enough to cover the fair.

due to various reasons, i was there on the third day but didnt buy anything. let me use Nendoriod Saber as an example.

i went on the 2nd day of the fair and bought this piece at 60. the lowest price i can find was 70 before this fair. so i bought a piece.
on the 3rd day, the price plunged to 45. if it was me in the past, i would have bought a second set to sell off at 60 so that my purchase price will be 45. i came very close to buying.

then i asked myself 2 questions.
1. how long will it take to sell off?
2. do i have better use of the money?

1. not sure, as this is a new product and market supply is still high. will take ard 1-2 years to hold and sell.
2. well, putting the money into Lego, i can get back the money within a month at 3 times the cost.

hence, 45 for saber and getting back 60 = 15 profit.
45 for Lego and getting back 135 = 90 profit, which is 6 times more profit.

well, that sort of put everything into perspective. so what i'll have to do is to suck it up that i made a reasonable price purchase rather than a "WHOOPPIE! I killed the shopkeeper!" price purchase.

Figma and Nendoroids are my collecting passion. regardless of its pricing highly dependent on market supply, i'll still collect it at the price i deem reasonable. there isnt any point spending time to run all over the place hunting for the best price when the time can be spent on better things like improving myself. a few dollars in saving vs improving your mind to make millions, which would you choose?

Today Yan is at home, rituals of the wedding is being carried out as i type. at 11am, Xiong will be coming over to deliver the betrothal gifts.

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