Monday, November 8, 2010

9th Nov 2010

Woke up at 7 this morning well rested. Think it's due to the exercises and chin-up i was trying to do last night. Having your physical body or energy expended, allows your mind to rest better.

Was thinking this morning, should I keep the LEGOs I want in boxes? Answer is? No. Why?
1. It's taking up a lot of space.
2. Since they are not for re-selling or selling as a set. There isn't a need for them to remain in boxes.

Recently I bought some old battles packs from a forum member. Damn, no wonder Mond and Alex were advising me against army build with battle packs. You can't believe what kind of low quality LEGO they make in China. Thank God I still got the box at PS to offload what I don't want.

Tearing up a set to sell works better for me than selling in sets. Need to sort out plans and look out for alternate builds for the really loose bits.

Hmmmm... looking at my past sales at toy outpost, seems like what Mond told me before, "that tearing up a set to sell while keeping the parts you want won't work", isn't correct. Well, what can I say but I have the grace of God. Things get sold for unbelievable prices. Guess in the end, shoppers are only about impulse and wants.

Was trying to update my blogshop yesterday in the office, it's not working very well. Hmmmm... I have to go into individual posts to edit the prices. There isn't a consolidated page of all the items. Looks like by wanting to keep the sold out sets on the blog will serve no purpose but to clog up the blog itself. So I don't think I'll be keeping those for record.

Need to spend more time to think and sort out the stuff.
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