Tuesday, November 9, 2010

10th Nov 2010

Ideas are fleeting things. I have already forgotten what I wanted to blog about yesterday.

Came home early on half day leave yesterday. While deboxing my kingdoms LEGO, chatted with dad.

Ran into a old bmt mate during rt yesterday. Haven't seen him for more than 10 years since our bmt.

Just started on a new Facebook game. It's the first attempt by Square Enix to enter the social network. Square Enix is the company which SquareSoft , producer of Final Fantasy, and Enix, producer of Dragon Quest, had merged to become. Today's the third day I'm playing, and I'm hitting level 20 and over taking Eugene who recommend this game to me soon. I'm quite good at all these number games. Heehee.

Often I wondered, how come I never go into accounting since number always excites me. Well, it's as well, having a more hands-on job let me have more time for thoughts. Will need to be starting to learn to invest in forex.

Will allocate some time for these activities, exercise, study forex, God and bible reading. Irin was asking why am I blogging again all of a sudden. Well, I found the app for andoroid to blog and using the time between travelling, I can blog as and when. A better use of my travelling time.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

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