Tuesday, November 2, 2010

3th Oct 2010

Finished gathering the stuff that a seller wanted late last night. Hmmm... need to sort out and repost gachapons on my blog shop.

With the grace of God, my sales at toy outpost cleared the amount needed for rental yesterday. Unbelievable, second day of the month only. I thank you, God. You provide and in abundance.

During my reservist, Guan Meng commented that i have a good life. with passion in toy collecting, joy in having food and rest. well, isnt that whats life about?

Strangest secret:We must control our thinking. The same rule that can lead people to lives of success, wealth, happiness, and all the things they ever dreamed of — that very same law can lead them into the gutter. It's all in how they use it ... for good or for bad. That is The Strangest Secret! This is The Strangest Secret! Now, why do I say it's strange, and why do I call it a secret? Actually, it isn't a secret at all. It was first promulgated by some of the earliest wise men, and it appears again and again throughout the Bible. But very few people have learned it or understand it. That's why it's strange, and why for some equally strange reason it virtually remains a secret.

Our mind can do any kind of job we assign to it, but generally speaking, we use it for little jobs instead of big ones. So decide now. What is it you want? Plant your goal in your mind. It's the most important decision you'll ever make in your entire life.

We must control our thinking. The same rule that can lead people to lives of success, wealth, happiness, and all the things they ever dreamed of — that very same law can lead them into the gutter. It's all in how they use it ... for good or for bad. That is The Strangest Secret!

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.4

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