Tuesday, December 9, 2008

9th December 2008

This have been rough for both me and hubby recently, and even for our relationship. We almost went our seperate ways over our differences in our beliefs and thinking. But we manage to patch things up, but I still feel that there is something between us, maybe still the difference in our thinking and etc, but got a hunch that if we do not clear the difference up things will be even harder for us in the future. Hopefully things will clear up soon and we will get our feelings back again.

My exams just ended, did not have any confidence in passing at all, thus causing the stress in me to build up all over again. I just feel so useless, so stupid, so dumb that I don't even have the confidence to pass a paper that I retook from last sem. But all the people around me keep telling me that ACCA is not that simple, the passing rate is not very high, so i dun have to feel inferior about retaking the papers, but I simply can't help it. To me, failing the paper once, I could say that maybe I am inexperience or unlucky, but failing the paper twice, I can no longer find any other excuses. Probably ACCA is really not my forte, maybe it is time for me to stop studying and go work instead.

Although I am deprive from my retail therapy since I have not been shopping for the past 2 months(due to exams and monetary constraints), I am not very excited about Christmas and New Year shopping that I will have to do (pressie for family and friends as well as CNY clothes) there is so little time and so much to buy, so much to think, and I even have to help mama with her pressie that she is buying for my cousins and aunts, Doubt I have time to shop, coz if I would to spend more time shopping I might have less than for hubby. Am I willing to give up my personal time with hubby for shopping? I am not too sure about that.. But glad that linda has settle the auntie's christmas pressie a long time ago and all I have to do is play and at the same time mama gave me some ideas about the things that we could consider buying for those that doesn't have a present. Hopefully I can get all the pressie ready by Christmas ba..


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