Wednesday, December 3, 2008

3rd Dec 2008 - rek

Woke up blur today. i forgot to wish yan happy birthday even when i remembered it, i just keeps slipping my mind. then i forgot about smsing boon about asking him out for sashime buffet. so just go with the flow. at the same time, 120 ask if i can go with her to settle her divorce papers. after me and boon finished with the buffet, we went over to meet her.

sat and talked for a while at mac after finishing. then 120 went for her class and boon went for his haircut. i went to get some ziplock bag and then went over to CSC then suntec.

at suntec, hang ard abit, watch the mummy - dragon emperor abit, then meet jurgen and gang. after that, i went off early to go to cineleisure, looks like my hunch was correct as i got first 2 capsules as dale. then go home.

Through out the day, i find that some how, without irin, things looks a different colour. the colour of sian. haiz... i wan abit of freedom, but i miss her too. can i have a split personality to settle both at the same time?

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