Thursday, December 11, 2008

11th Dec 2008 - rek

Blogging is a powerful tool. Like all swords, its double edged.

Its allows one to share his darkest tots, however, if it gets into the wrong hands, alot of damage can be done. Irin reads my old blog and sometimes we fight over it. Alf choose to end our friendship due to something i blogged too.

One of the gachapon-loaders called me to ask if Alf is a friend of mine. i was taken by surprised. upon further query, i was told that Alf requested them to open the machines to sell him the gachapons he want. hmmmm... what i replied was that, if its my friend, they would have came to me, instead of approaching them. unless neccessary, i wont approach the loaders for help. the same would apply to my friends as i'll cover them as well.

Abit unhappy about another "friend". i asked him if he wanted the new disney emblem 3. he say yes, help him get a set. when i asked him to transfer me the money first, he say he'll pay me when we meet up. -_-" the issue is, i dont meet him often. and currently i'm jobless and penniless. i'm still able to turn gachapons as i'm turning my friend's sets with the money they passed me in advance. i'm ok with helping ppl turn gachapons, BUT! firstly, it must not strain me financially. secondly, i dont like to have difficult requests placed on me.

Enough about gachapons. relationship now.

Things are more or less ok with irin currently. but from the recent big fights, i start to understand that there are more to a relationship than just feelings. Feelings must be there, but there must be supporting factors.
贫贱夫妻百事哀。Without financial support, relationships will be strained. tempers flare easily. in simple words, a hungry man is an angry man.
bio-clocks must match - sleeping hours, sex drive. lets face it, i have a 10 year age gap with irin. i have a habit of waking at 8. she wakes at 11. she loves to talk to me before sleeping. and some times the conversation ends ard 3am. to me, its a 5 hours sleep, to her, its a 8 hours sleep. -_-" maybe without work, i can adjust my timing. but when i start working again? hmmm... might have to talk this out.
Ambition must be in sync. without a common goal, ants will be crawling all over the place. with a common goal, elephants can also be consumed by ants.

Lets work hard for the future, shall we? GREAT~! I'll get the car, You get the stockings, Boon get the weapons and we'll ROB a bank~

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