Friday, July 10, 2009

11th July 2009

Irin's been complaining that i havent been updating my blog. Haiz... alot of things i should be doing, but i cant seems to find the momentum to start.

I should be starting on my CHI studying, but i wan to paint my Gundam.
I should be painting my Gundam, but i wanna update my toy forum and blog.
I should be updating my toy forum and blog, but i wan to be watching anime.
I should be watching anime, but i wanna start on my CHI studying.

Yesterday ran into Miss Tan from Tian Wan at chinatown. went there to look at toys. then happen to run into jurgen. brought him to the shop that sells ziplock bags as he wants to go there to buy LARGE ziplock bags for packing number 4 uniforms. then outside there, ran into Miss Tan. according to her, Max is now helping Yeo. Seems like there are some outstanding issues, and Miss Tan had been trying to reach me. shrug. anyway, i told her that i no longer work with Yeo. she say that Yeo keep saying that i'm on leave. I replied that i was clearing leave before leaving.

Having a craving for Tampopo Ramen... after thinking through so many ramen to settle my ramen craving, i finally realise that the ramen i'm craving for is the tampopo one. Soup which is light yet meaty.

Think i'll need to start earning money asap. lots of toys coming... and dont really wanna own so many ppl so much money for so long. so... work hard~ TEK BAK(korean word for success)~!*clench fist action*

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