Monday, July 27, 2009

27th July 2009

Passed the CORE paper today. some might think that since its Prudential's inhouse paper, no one will fail, but unfortunately, someone did fail. thank god i passed.

Went to Taka to count the stock again before i went home. stock number seems to be more than less. hahaha, good good, better chance for me to get money so that i can get the money in time.

Recieve another letter from M1's lawyer again. FINAL NOTICE! hmmm... think i'll wait for thier phone call first. well... it seems to be awfully ridiculous to sue someone over 300 dollars, and lose a customer.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

26th July 2009

Ever wanted something badly but dont have enough money to buy it?

Its becoming a habit for me to travel to Taka to monitor the current stock of the Hibiki accessories, hoping that the price will fall drastically again.

Its not that the prices are high, in fact its cheaper by at least 40%. just that i dont have money and that there are so many pieces to get...
Hibiki's Drum Set.
Ibuki's Trumpet.
Todoroki's Guitar.
Zanki's Guitar.
Armoured Sword.
Oni Sword.
Whistle Changer.
Watch Changer.

I can even name how many piece are there at Taka. haiz... the desire is eating me up inside... When i think about it, after i buy the stuff, i'll pack it nicely in my Togoyo boxes. on rare occasion, i'll bring it out to play. then why do i buy it? Its a desire to OWN the toy. i dont have to play with it daily. well... if i play with it daily, it will spoil the thing also. so... usually things i wanna really play with, i buy extras of it.

Some might wanna ask me why i wan the Hibiki toys so badly. well... if you watch a drama and the character leaves a strong impression, you will wan something to remind you of the character. will tell more on the characters next time. Sometimes, Raymond will make fun of my liking for Kamen Riders. hmmm... dont know what to say. like worshiping deities is a form of respect for thier spirit and principle, my liking for Kamen Rider is also the same way. Though they are purely frictional, they represent an quality i hope to possess.

Went to church in the afternoon, then a briefing for Church logistics which i volunteered for.

Then went over to Mikelz to pick up the Upgraded version of Kong Ming. then went over to Bishan 284 to collect payment.

Ma asked me to packet Asam Fishhead and Satay from downstairs.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

25th July 2009

Woke up at 7.30am this morning though i slept at 2am last night. Guess i had enough sleep and woke up.

Spend the day watching Up, then continue with Supernatural. Very interesting series. watched 11 episodes continuously, half of season 1. good thing i had completed downloading the first 4 seasons.

As i watched the shows, i played Pet Society, painted Gundam. more or less today feel very satisfying and well spent.

Hmmm.. some updates. I passed my CHI paper, the first 2 test for PSA (Prudential Sales Academy) level 1. haiz... but money from the establishment package is nowhere in sight. guess i'll need to pass the entire PSA paper, recieve my contact confirmation before it will start to come in.

Taka's Craziest Toy Sale started last wed. damn... there is so many things that i wanna get, but not having enough money. haiz... have to monitor and hope that the prices will go down further on and have to narrow down on the things that i really really wan.

Monday, July 20, 2009

20th July 2009

Wake up this morning and helped ma to cook red bean paste. after which, we went out for brunch. dad dropped me off at Bishan MRT.

I went over to PS to put in some stuff and rearranged the cupboard. by the time i was done, it was already 5 plus. so end up i went home instead. will be going out early tomorrow to study. by the way, tomorrow's my CHI paper.



Look at what i have become~ on the left 买卖军火 on the right 逼良为娼

But so far, guns has been bringing in alot of profit, think i'll try to sell off all my old series. changing stratergy to sell pieces as loose which explains why i took out the whole series, leaving only the display sets to sell.

Speaking of which, there was one client which got me VERY irritated. firstly, he asked for the 3 rifles of Guns 12 and said he'll be over the next day to collect. though the Outpost staff told him that there will be no promises and they'll hope that it to deliver by thursday. once it's in the shop, they will call him up. i MADE the effort to have it delievered the next day. in the end, he didnt come over til sunday. and when he came, he told the staff that he dont wan the rifles anymore and he wants the pistol from Guns Super Selection BUT he wants it at a discount, $8 instead of the stated $18. Of course, i insisted on not lowering the price. 绝版 guns you know? then the idiot finally decided to buy it, but he had difficulty putting it together, so the staff sold him the displayed piece instead. When i went to check on it, of course it wont work, the idiot clammed the piece on the spring! how is the spring supposed to push in that way? and he broke some of the pins that hold the pieces together. luckily, the pistol once fixed together again by me can still work nicely. you know what? the idiot actually told the staff that i must have used glue in putting the pistol together. -_- if you dont know how to swim, dont complain that your trunks are too big. as a precaution, i fixed up all the pistols partially to prevent such incidents again.

Hmmmm... the other day when i handed my certs and stuff over to Kok Wah, he said that he was surprised that i took N before taking O. Haiz... why the distinction between human beings? so what if i came up through the normal stream? does it mean that i'm any lesser? so what if someone else is from the express stream? does it mean he is any smarter? anyway, Kok Wah was saying that its good as it showed that i had the perserverance to move up. -_-" i know he dont mean anything bad. but it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Recently, my painting of Gundam has led me to realise something. when you fully focus on something, you'll get a sense of mind, heart and body merging into one. its a very indescribable feeling of peace and unity.

When you are too focused, you lost thoughts of your problems. when you are scattered, you also lost thoughts of your problems. why does 2 actions of opposites leads to the same result?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

19th July 2009

Yesterday morning went over to meet alf at 9am to pass him some herbs that my mom plants. Was quite surprised when he say he consumed this kind of herb before when he was still living in Penang. Seems like in Penang, they grow all sorts of plants at home and this is the kind which they consume to fight off diabetics.

Went home after that as i wore my geta out. walking in geta is quite tiring. Yan turn out to be home and ma cooked ba gu teh. sad part is, when the ba gu teh was done, ma throw in some veg into the soup. haiz... the taste is diluted... how come ma dont understand...

Spend most of the afternoon painting gundam.

Rushed out in the evening to Mikel to place a preorder, pass a set of stitch horoscope to purplepooh and finally to PS to put in some stock.

Woke up groggy in the morning and late for service. arranged to meet Ranna for service at the 3rd service. heehee after service, kelvin drove us to 284 to collect money and i went shopping at Ang Mo.

all these for $36.50~ oh, i forgot a packet of kitkat...

Went home to meet pa ma for dinner. we went to Potong Pasir for Assam Fishhead.

Assam Fishhead

Hot Plate Vension

Gu Lu Rou

Sweet and Sour Fish slices

Leftovers. or whatever's left.

This was the fried spring chicken from my house downstairs. haiz... super disappointing, i had never been so disappointed by spring chicken before. it tastes burnt and even squirt out oil as i bite into it. super duper gross...

Friday, July 17, 2009

17th July 2009

I'm getting lazier by the day. been 5 days since the last entry. anyway if you are going to complain, well... its my blog. so there.

Currently i'm studying for my CHI paper so that i can sell health related insurance. at the same time arrangement for my establishment package is being processed as well as a contract with Prudential. whats the establishment package? its a sort of like a monthly salary so that you can concentrate on selling insurance rather than worrying about money. the only set-back for this is that there will be a monthly target for you to reach. and if you dont, the agency which you belong to will have to compensate Prudential.

Guns at the Cupboard had been selling well. wondering if i should stock up on more to sell. hmmm... well... that will have to wait til i got more cash flow. hopefully by then there'll still be stock.

Today i was shocked. as i was jogging, i spotted a monkey sitting under a tree. damn. they can really get everywhere. i was wondering if it will start attacking ppl for food, but it seems to be quite mild. the fur on it was so nice...

This is the new 鬼娘 by Bome. Still remember how Irin got bowled over by the first 鬼娘. wonder how will she react to this.

BB Tenshoryukoumei Nu Gundam. the upgraded version of 孔明 gundam. damn... this is so nice... why do i have to be so broke at this point of time.

Here's some picture of the 孔明 gundam which i built. will be paint it at some point of time.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

12th July 2009

Yesterday Ma cooked Ba Gu Teh. here's the pic:

Today i drove over the 284 to pick up payment from the rojak auntie. Hmmm... Pa Ma seems to be quite happy about it. They wan me to drive them over to Bukit Batok to see doctor tomorrow. good also. if i can do that, i think they'll feel safe about leaving the car in my care when they go genting in august.

Here's dinner today.

Will be sleeping early so that i can be alert tomorrow for driving.

Friday, July 10, 2009

11th July 2009

Irin's been complaining that i havent been updating my blog. Haiz... alot of things i should be doing, but i cant seems to find the momentum to start.

I should be starting on my CHI studying, but i wan to paint my Gundam.
I should be painting my Gundam, but i wanna update my toy forum and blog.
I should be updating my toy forum and blog, but i wan to be watching anime.
I should be watching anime, but i wanna start on my CHI studying.

Yesterday ran into Miss Tan from Tian Wan at chinatown. went there to look at toys. then happen to run into jurgen. brought him to the shop that sells ziplock bags as he wants to go there to buy LARGE ziplock bags for packing number 4 uniforms. then outside there, ran into Miss Tan. according to her, Max is now helping Yeo. Seems like there are some outstanding issues, and Miss Tan had been trying to reach me. shrug. anyway, i told her that i no longer work with Yeo. she say that Yeo keep saying that i'm on leave. I replied that i was clearing leave before leaving.

Having a craving for Tampopo Ramen... after thinking through so many ramen to settle my ramen craving, i finally realise that the ramen i'm craving for is the tampopo one. Soup which is light yet meaty.

Think i'll need to start earning money asap. lots of toys coming... and dont really wanna own so many ppl so much money for so long. so... work hard~ TEK BAK(korean word for success)~!*clench fist action*

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

8th July 2009

Today spend the day at home.

Some updates for the past few days.

Passed my M9 paper.
Recieved lawyer letter from m1. again.
One of my AIA policy will lapse in july. the one which i'm leaving to lapse. will need to get the US currency one out of premium holiday.

Will be talking to kok wah about taking up a loan from prudential to at least get somethings back into order. arrangements are being made for papers and contracts. hope i'm not signing my life away. hahaha

Salt egg prawn. one of the dish we had for dinner 2 weeks back at Joo Chiat.

The Asam fishhead which was way too spicy for my family and some greens.

The lift is almost done. think it will be operational by end july as promised.

I had 2 KFC dinners in a row. above is the second one, with 2 pieces chicken meal (both original thigh meat) and a double cheese burger. on the first night, i actually went to TPY's KFC when the one at bishan only had original wing and drums. first meal i had 2 piece chicken meal (original rib and thigh) and a zinger burger with cheese. so satisfying~

Latest display. just put up Guns 12 for sale. loose pieces of the revolver.