Monday, November 24, 2008

24th November 2008

Today is a busy day... Busy Busy Busy!! Had class both in the morning and the afternoon, had to see Roy Goh for the whole day, but at least he crack some jokes here and there so the class is not tat boring. But I do feel like a zombie nearing the end of the class who are just blindly copying and not absorbing what he say, even after my 2 cups of coffee from toast box. Humpf, Will be seeing him for next 2 days oso.. haiz.. Wonder what it will be it be like tomorrow..

Hubby give me a surprise when he came to pick me up from school today, feel so Xin Fu.. but we only manage a little time together cause I am feeling extremely tire and I have to come home to study. Stupid Law, I am only at chapter 10(total of 19 chapters) and I still have another 3 paper to study for. Humpf. Wonder if I can finish studying for my exams on time..

The pillow that mama bought for me yesterday is so tall that I could barely even sleep last night. Although it is written ultra soft but i dun find it soft at all, find it rather uncomfortable (I describe it as springy but juan describe it as being Q, as if we are eating :P). Hope today I can sleep better ba..


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