Sunday, November 23, 2008

23rd November 2008

Stayed at home the whole day, didn't really manage to study a lot, humpf.. still have a lot left to study for law. When i recalled back I can't even remember what I did at home for the whole of todayt. Fainted.. Anyway Hubby went to the animefest with raymond and wuqing today. Feel kinda of left out because I was interested in the fest too but i can't go. Heard there are people cosplaying there... Haiz..

Mama and Juan went out with my aunt and cousin today, in the end Mama came back without buying anything, Juan bought a pair of mailinda crocs in baby pink(which is the same as linda's) and they bought me a pillow and the ear plugs that I wanted for so long. Could say that I was quite happy that i still get the things that I wanted without having to shop for it myself. Feel kind of glad that I didn't go coz they shop around mainly at centerpoint and OG which are places I pass by almost everyday when I have classes.. Ok.. guess its time for me to go back to my books.. Ciaoz..


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