Thursday, October 13, 2011

13th oct 2011

Recently alot of things happening.

Release of LEGO 16 minifigures series 5 = lots of hunting, buying, selling, fighting scalpers.

Lots of OT at office end. Thank god, I jana on sundays. Same duration but 25% more money.

My old poly mate happened to be working as a team lead in civil service college under jos also. Which led to my working under him for a few days. Lots of things happened which led to a very big realization I should have long ago.

The ancient chinese military text, Sun Tzu Bing Fa, is not on warfare, but on management. I should have realise that when I was studying 法家 and 墨家 theories.

Monday, July 4, 2011

5th July 2011

Since the last update, i have signed up for HSBC Revolution, CIMB card, UOB One.

Using the UOB one to pay my mobile bills, somehow tempted to make it hit the $800 mark so that i can get the $80 rebate for my first quarter. shrug, better not ba. time to save and return ppl money as much as possible.

only spend when there are good deals. coming month end got metro 20%. so bascially UOB one will just aim for the $30 rebate ba.

Thinking closely, for the 3.33% rebate, if you push yourself over the limit, you'll be paying your debt at 24% interest rate. not very smart. better to keep to the minimum as 3% isnt such a good deal. HECK, Metro card give me 5% rebate and i dont have to trouble about amount to spend.

will use the CIMB card to pay for my Bricksy Purchase, 1% is better than nothing. :)

Use different cards for different things, max out thier potential, but do not get caught into thier trap to spend more than is needed.

think at the end of the year, will do a review on all the cards and start killing the ones i dont use.

Watching some shows on TED have given me some insight as to what i'm doing and stuff. in a sense, i think i have a bad perception of time/rewards that i'll have to spend time to rectify. credit cards makes use of this to encourage ppl to spend more. i have to watch myself carefully from now.

While playing a game on my mobile, i realises that even til now, i seldom do enough research and consideration before rushing into stuff. well, sometimes that is a plus point, but this will obstruct my opportunity to have things done in simpler and better ways.

sometimes, i admire alvin for his indepth look into various credit cards offers, mall offers, voucher offers to enable him to maximise his money.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

25th may 2011

Paid up my credit cards today. Only the metro card have an outstanding amount to be paid next month. Which will take up most of my pay as well.

Credit cards are dangerous tools. They allow you to pay for things at a later time but only a month later. When they say minimum payment, that will free you from the late payment charge, not the interests that will be added to the outstanding amount.

Think that's where most ppl have fallen. I have almost fallen. Luckily, talking to Seagull and Slasher made me go back and read the fine print. Then I realised that I have to pay up 2000 on that date due. Still manageable, but it happens on my payday. Payment through axis machine will take 3 days. By then, the cc would have happily piled up interest on my account, negating all the rebates that I would have accumulated.

So I called up Uob to change my billing cycle. And I started out early to draw CASH from my salary account and deposit CASH into the UOB cash deposit, selecting credit card payment. Nice of them to add this feature to the machine. Hopefully this is the last time I have to make cc payment this way.

Seagull suggested that I get the Manhattan card. Looked through he card, in order to get the 5% rebate, i'll need to spend 3000 each month, calculated quarterly. Tempted but might be stupid for me. I don't even get 3000 a month. How to spend that amount?

Think i'll stick to the current status til further changes.

Made a big order of LEGO again. Think this will sell well as its an exclusive set. Good for parts. Good for selling minifig.
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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

6th Apr 2011

I should be studying for my HP server exam but somehow i'm watching Youtube. -_-"

watching 易經的奧秘, i realise one thing. there is something in sync between chinese ancient studies and current western studies.

recently, i have picked up an audio book called why men need sex and women need love.

a common point is that, regardless of what you are, there are some things hard-wired in your brain which you may or may not know about. some information that is worked into your genes, your DNA.

it can be instinct or cultural.

Last time, when i tried to study about Eight Diagram, i can sort of come up with some theories to explain the diagrams. and watching the show, some of the theories matches. in the show, it says that we will instinctively know all these.

I believe in a sense, this is in built in all of us. we carry fore the knowledge and information passed down to us from our ancestors. which is why kids are getting smarter at a younger age.

Monday, April 4, 2011

5th April 2011

Something happened yesterday. sort of have a nasty incident over lego.

got myself thinking. why does this happen? why over toys? something that is suppose to be bringing me joy has cause negative feelings. is there something wrong with my methods of collection?

found a treasure cove.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

17th March 2011

Yesterday i made my first credit card payment using Citibank Clear Card. $459. in one shot, i maxed out the limit on the card. $41 left before i hit the limit. so what did i buy? 2519-1: Skeleton Bowling

Why did i spend so much on this? well, this set is a toys r us exclusive which is sold at $55.9, for some strange reason, i was able to get it at $45.9. well, when its a good deal, grab first. if regret, selling at 50 will made me a few bucks and its a price ppl will fight for.

Just got my certificate of service. so i can go apply for Metro Uob card now. after comparing to various credit cards, this will offer the most in rebate 5% though it will be only be redeemed in metro. as i'm getting this for the purpose of pushing my lego discount to more than 20%, i hope to get the card before May.

Should have realised this earlier that if i pay rental at TOP in advance for 3 months, i get a 10% rebate. well, since the business there is more consistant, Praise God!, think it might be better to make rental payment this way.

Friday, March 4, 2011

5th March 2011

Staying at home for the whole weekend.

moved and reorganised some stuff between my room and yan's room. will need to start an inventory on the gachapons that i'm going to sell off.

Meanwhile, still waiting for the contract to be revised. perhaps will be avoiding ppl who will give me negative tots or try to sway me from my path. Gull called me on my other phone the other day and tried to get me to go for a recuitment talk. -_- that kind of pissed me off.

Today pray for Toa Bey Gong's birthday, so food wise from lunch til dinner is taken care of. a whole duck to eat.

Foul weather, things to entertain myself, more than enough food to eat. looks like God wants me to stay home and provides me the reasons.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

2th march 2011

Went back to office last night. Was offered a perm position with 100 dollars increase in salary.

Turned it down asking for a higher increment.

Haven't return miss calls from gull or kok wah. Shrug maybe it's meant to be missed. With the contract ending, I don't want any extra stuff to cloud up my mind.

Things are moving long fine with Irin. Will be meeting up with her friends more often as boon's not free on Thursday and Raymond's busy with shinvy. By the way, Thursday's the only day Irin can come out.

LEGO hunting wise, doing well. Think I'm among the top ten holders of elf from 16minifig3 in Singapore.
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