Sunday, September 5, 2010

5th Sept 2010

Been a long long time since i blogged. too many distractions happening at the same time.

many many things happened. and some not suitable to be blogged about.

yes, i have learnt that certain things are best left unspoken.

learn the same lesson again that different ppl have different financial views. i cant blame others for have a different view from mine. and if i do get upset over it, it's my own pasa.

Major event - Overnight camping for the lego clearance sale, irin's birthday buffet.

Phone - alot of my distractions are from this. at the same time, my application to be a app developer just got approved yesterday. though i havent started to do anything about it yet, i'm quite excited about it.

Work - hmmm... haiz... some parts good, some parts bad. maybe have to move on when the contract ends.

Financial - Debts still there uncleared, increased abit even. Lego sales set me back abit, but once i finish sorting out the parts i can sell to cover the parts i want to keep, it should more or less be fine. still waiting for Nanoha Nendoriod Petite to be released, my biggest investment of the year. though i sort of used the funds for something else, thank god the release date was pushed back. hopefully i'll have enough funds by the time its released.

Toy Collecting - Gachapons in moderation, due to the increased price. Lego-wise, very aggressively, but its time to step on the brakes. still buying in lego for selling in my box though. By the grace of God, i have managed to hit 1k sales in my TOP box this month. and at the same time, decided on a number that i should keep my army to. 30. why? when i prayed for sales and a number to stick to limit my lego army to, my sales was 1030. 2 prayers in a single answer. Amen!

Forex - learning bit by bit, but i shall not trade until all my debts are cleared.

Irin - All things good. :)

Some times i think too much, some times i think too little. think i shall spend abit more time cleaning my room as my parents are going to do some things about the house: replace air-con, dvd-player.

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