Tuesday, September 15, 2009

16th Sep 2009

Pay still not out yet.
when i went to check on it yesterday, they tell me need to check and call me back.
no news.
when i went today to check, i was told that pay will only come in on the 24th.
no explaination given.
well, what a way to start. shrug, maybe its also a good time for me to slow down my process of meeting ppl and work on my numbers instead.
the only thing i'm not happy about, is that i have not enough to celebrate irin's birthday.
anyway, as it happens, she cant meet me on sunday or monday anyway. shrug.
just feeling very negative.

Abba, please take all my worries away. Amen!

11th Sep 2009

Went with Chew to CSC to watch the open air animation.

we went abit early and had a light dinner. then we went over to visit Cindy and Heng.
Cindy just had her second baby. the baby look very healthy and had a full head of hair even though he is only 2 weeks old. After Heng asked what i was doing, he mentioned that he might have to get something for his second son's education. seems like the only worry he had about buying insurance from me is that how long i will stay. i think i wont be leaving this line. i get to meet lots of ppls, share stories in my work. its something i like to do and there isnt a retirement age~

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

8th Sep 2009

Yesterday i recieved my prudential namecards and went through the course for PWS system and e-submission.

more or less i should be ready to start. kok wah was trying to stress jooleng, the lady who came in at the same time as me, by telling her that i had been doing alot of things, meeting alot of ppl. more or less true lah. i have been meeting alot of ppl, but doing alot of things will be judged.

Today i went over to pa ma's stall wearing a put on tie yan bought for them. felt very awkward and concious of the clip behind the tie which kept showing up. when i met up with irin, we went to buy the first tie i bought in my life. also i got some black socks as well. white socks dont really work well in office attire. this knocked out half the money i have on me, but i think its rather neccessary. as the korean saying goes, clothes give you wings. and i think this is very true.

after putting on the tie, i felt more confident. maybe it didnt really increase my level (i think i'm at level 1), but it sort of brought me to the same grounds as other adventurers.

Next on the list, shirts that uses cuff-links and cuff-links.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

4th Sep 2009

Hmmm... been thinking and thinking... alot about insurance. why ppl should buy? why they shouldnt buy? why they need it? why they dont need it? what can it do for them? how will it mess them up?

basically, insurance is just simple maths. you pay this amount, you get covered in case of accident, diease or disability or you get your money back when it matures.

currently, i'm trying to get my parents to purchase the prushield premier extra.

for $1416 per person per year, they are covered for medical expense up to $518000.

after which, i'll need to start looking into thier retirement funds.

ma mentioned that she wanted to downgrade pa's car. i asked pa, will he prefer to drive a BMW or a Honda Accord? seems like pa's desire for the kind of car is only dependent on his income. since the accord is already bought, just use it til its over lor. no point downgrading now.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

2nd Sept 2009

Havent blogged for a long time.

Gone through alot of sales training. arranged with some of the psa2 classmates to meet up yesterday. feel abit nostagic when we were sitting at a open area, just talking. havent done that in a long time. ran into alvin today at training, he didnt make it yesterday, but he'll try to make it coming friday. he told me, my sms to him really boost his moral alot. that itself boosted my moral alot also. i'm very happy to be of encouragement to another person.

recently another korean ger caught my eye. Nicole of Kara. irin ask "why u like her, is she very pretty?"
"well... not very very pretty, but she got cookie monster eyes."
"cookie monster eyes? meaning the eyes very big?"
"not really very big. but you remember how cookie monster's eyes are like?"
"they are very big lor"
"do you remember how the eyes swirl, seems alive and run all over the place? well, something like that."