Friday, May 29, 2009

29th May 2009

Started the day by going over to suntec to meet ray. original intent was to go to the world book fair. as i couldnt get information on the time it opens, we took a risk. -_- it opens at 1pm today. and tomorrow onwards opens at 11am.

The aquarium exhibit is closed to be public on the first day, and after that an entrance fee of $8 per person. -_- good also, dont wanna be taking up more of my time with more pets. so can skip it.

So we went for brunch and then went over to expo for the food fair. the whole place was so damn crowded, the worst bit is that most of them are ah-ma level ladies, so you cant push your way through also. one round ard it is more than enough for me. didnt managed to get anything. also took a quick walk at the john little fair.

By the way, i bought these at my 7-11 . 2 for $2. somehow the same price as whats sold at the food fair.

went over to chill out at the coffeebean while waiting for boon to arrive and for the popular book fair to open.

Bought 2 books at the popular book fair.

I think this book will throw more question marks at what is my current belief. heehee

Ray found this book for me, sees like he is now a avid collector of the rich dad series. collector, not reader. think he might have completed reading the first rich dad poor dad. MIGHT...

As me and ray were still looking through the books at the popular book fair, boon wanted to go over the the food fair for a look. I grasp his shoulder firmly and wished him good luck. he went puzzled.

Later when we meet up again, he understood why i said that. hahaha

we took a train over to suntec for the world book fair. after which, we had dinner at carl's jr. originally boon wanted to go home for dinner then go for his game. but he was so tempted by carl's jr that he called home and cancelled his dinner. wahahaha, i'm so evil. if me and ray went over to food court for dinner, boon would have gone off. we left on our ways ard 7 so that boon can still have enough time for his game.

Went to pick up Sunny after her work finishes. she had to do abit of OT. at first, she told me not to come over as i had been walking ard the whole day. but seeing that she was so happy to see me, made all the trouble worth. went for a bit of coffee before sending her home.

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