Sunday, May 31, 2009

1st June 2009

Woke up ard 9. pa woke me up to offer incense for a-gong's death anni.
After offering incense, i helped to cook the red bean paste. then eat abit for breakfast.

alot of food rite? this round the Kong Ba quite nice as there isnt any mushrooms mixed in it.

Ma went out for a hair beauty session, but she told me to clean the house abit before going. so i vaccuum abit and mopped abit.

Pa ma knows about the break up between me and irin. Pa started to say that Irin's a very good ger lah, i'll regret if i dont get her back. Ma also ask why break up and this and that.

31th May 2009

Went for the first service at NCC, then go over to CSC.

Picked up my figma Mikuru Waitress.

For the benefit or sabotaging of seagull.

This is one of the Classic manga character known as Golgo 13.

This belongs to another series called Revoltech. the concept is similar to Figma and they were doing this for a longer time. personally i feel that thier joint concealment isnt as good as Figma.

Sat at Spinelli to chill out abit while waiting for the rest to arrive. Ray got addicted to Mafia Wars, so i let him transfer some of my equipment over to him as he is more interested in fights. hahaha imagine a level 10 using a level 100 equipment to attack other level 10 players.

As tupei and boon aint joining us for lunch, we went over to hong lim for lunch. Me and ray had prawn noodles, shinvy had wanton mee, and hong had curry chicken noodles. Cindy happen to be there and she joined us for lunch. she had prawn noodles as well. not sure if preggy lady should be eating prawn noodles. was abit shocked at the size of cindy's tummy. though already know that she is preggy, but still shocked at the sight. we chat for for a long while til boon called.

Went over to CSC to meet up with boon and tupei as well as pass one of my buyers his gachapons. i think he is thinking that i'm a supplier of some kind instead of a person who turns at the machine. he was wondering why i took so long to complete his set. the ratio for this series is simply too unbalanced. and having insufficent buyers had strained the process s well. well... at least he was thankful for complete the set with all the varients. think i'll be avoiding doing this from now on. really no benefit, all shit work and ppl look at you in a negative way also.

We started walking over to raffles place MRT to meet seagull and wife before going on to see the Kang Xi exhibit. Tupei's 2 friend came to join us as we were que-ing. it was a 1.5 hours wait before even stepping into the musuem. the exhibit was all very interesting and amazing, but it was too crowded to enjoy everything properly.

We went for dinner at Central Mall. Ramen at Huo Tou Shan.

Didnt take picture of all the different food. so just took for ray and mine. Tupei's friend ordered extra fried chicken and tonkatsu(fried pork chops) for all of us to share, as its a restaurant that she recommended and is trying to be a good host. think ray, boon and shinvy wasnt very comfortable with it and didnt take any. at first i didnt take any also, as my capacity for food had gone down alot, i'm more worried if i can finish it. in the end, i was full but had to finish the last piece of chicken and tonkatsu.

Think its more of a culture thing that ray didnt take the food. well, if it was MY order of chicken, he'll be fighting me for it. haiz... personally, i think its just because that its the first time they met, so ray isnt very comfortable with eating thier food. with time, i think we can all be very good friends as they are OTAKU also and if i'm level 18, they are level 25... oh, i forgot to mention that both the friend are female and they read BL. hahaha. After dinner, we all went our seperate ways home.

Sunny sms me jsut before she's going to bed. heehee seems like she isnt stingy with kisses in smses and the whole sms was filled with funny looking emoticons all over.

30th May 2009

Woke up ard 8 plus. then to clean abit ard the house here and there.

Talk to irin for abit before going out to meet Sunny. Sunny wanted to see how do i turn gachapon.

We meet up at Orchard, She came in a pink lacy dress, like what georgia wears. abit loli... heehee, i like.
she apologised for waking up so late. she was so excited about today that she didnt get to sleep properly.
didnt hold her hand as we walk at first, but she sort of hugged my arm to stay close as we moved through the crowd.
She walks with a slight prance in her steps, bouncing and hopping along, sort of like a little bunny. kawaii neh~

We had dinner at harbour front mac. then we went up the sky garden at vivo to chill out and enjoy the sea breeze. If she was tired due to the long walk, she wasnt showing it.

we talked about many things. though a sensitive topic, we agreed that too much intimacy this early might not be a good thing. what had happened before was an impulse. i wont really call it a mistake, but it had sort of made her abit fearful and defensive.

I sent her to her door step. just before going indoors, she pecked me on the cheek and ran into her house. hmmm... heee... thats the only kiss i got since that time. better than nothing.

Friday, May 29, 2009

29th May 2009

Started the day by going over to suntec to meet ray. original intent was to go to the world book fair. as i couldnt get information on the time it opens, we took a risk. -_- it opens at 1pm today. and tomorrow onwards opens at 11am.

The aquarium exhibit is closed to be public on the first day, and after that an entrance fee of $8 per person. -_- good also, dont wanna be taking up more of my time with more pets. so can skip it.

So we went for brunch and then went over to expo for the food fair. the whole place was so damn crowded, the worst bit is that most of them are ah-ma level ladies, so you cant push your way through also. one round ard it is more than enough for me. didnt managed to get anything. also took a quick walk at the john little fair.

By the way, i bought these at my 7-11 . 2 for $2. somehow the same price as whats sold at the food fair.

went over to chill out at the coffeebean while waiting for boon to arrive and for the popular book fair to open.

Bought 2 books at the popular book fair.

I think this book will throw more question marks at what is my current belief. heehee

Ray found this book for me, sees like he is now a avid collector of the rich dad series. collector, not reader. think he might have completed reading the first rich dad poor dad. MIGHT...

As me and ray were still looking through the books at the popular book fair, boon wanted to go over the the food fair for a look. I grasp his shoulder firmly and wished him good luck. he went puzzled.

Later when we meet up again, he understood why i said that. hahaha

we took a train over to suntec for the world book fair. after which, we had dinner at carl's jr. originally boon wanted to go home for dinner then go for his game. but he was so tempted by carl's jr that he called home and cancelled his dinner. wahahaha, i'm so evil. if me and ray went over to food court for dinner, boon would have gone off. we left on our ways ard 7 so that boon can still have enough time for his game.

Went to pick up Sunny after her work finishes. she had to do abit of OT. at first, she told me not to come over as i had been walking ard the whole day. but seeing that she was so happy to see me, made all the trouble worth. went for a bit of coffee before sending her home.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

28th May 2009

think things are improving, i mananged to jog throughout the course along the drain side. can almost pull up 1 for my chin up.

On monday, i passed my M5 paper for insurance.

Yesterday pa ma passed me 800 to settle my outstanding singtel/singnet bills. haiz... was given a talking as well, seems like they are ok with the bills being passed to them on a regular basis than a sudden lump sum.

Gull treated me to KFC on wed before the extra church service. before meeting him, i went swimming. i find that if you're having muscule aches, nothing cures it faster than a relaxing swim.

Pieces of my life here and there to be picked up. waiting for next wed's mob briefing to be over before i repacked all my army stuff.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

24th May 2009

Hmmm... 3 days again. i broke up with irin. "Again?" some of you might say.
but this round its the final one.

why so sure about this break up? well, this break up is sparkled by the fact that the 2 of us have different life goals. well... it might be vicious, but if you cant fit into my plan, you have to get out of it.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

21th May 2009

Finally after a long reservist, back again to civilian life.

This round of reservist has been quite restful, and awakening. some of the ppl there young than me are already very ahead in financial as well as family building. only when you see how far are the ppl ahead, then you will know how far are you behind.

Regardless, i must push on. with clearer directions and goals.

Short term goal
1. to achieve a healthier body
2. to get my driving license
3. to pass all the paper neccessary for insurance selling

Long term goal
1. to achieve financial freedom so pa ma can retire
2. to have my own business in relation to toys, online, offline or retail
3. to build my own family

Randy's birthday celebration on the 16th of May 2009 - Rin

Celebrated Randy's birthday for him on the 16th of May, and i am finally blogging about it after compiling the photos that was on my phone's cam as well as lizzie's cam.

I went over at around 9 in the morning to give Randy a surprise because the day before i keep telling him that I can only make it in the afternoon and couldn't spend the whole day with him. He wasn't as surprise as i expected him to be, haiz, think I shocked him too much previously. On that same day, it was also Randy's great grandmama death anniversary which explains why there are a lot of food at his place and us not wanting to meet the others earlier. Meshelle came to pick us up at around 4 and drove us to suntec to meet the others. We went over to Aston for dinner as Randy requested and after that was bakerzin for cutting of cake and drinks, we only stayed till around 9 plus afterwhich meshelle sent randy back to camp and me home.

The feast that Randy's parents cooked.

The yummilicious curry that Randy's papa cooked, I simple loved it.

Randy opening the card that I gave him, actually he wanted to open it later when i am not around, but after my endless grumbling, he decided to give in.

A kiss for his birthday. Muahahaha... Think everyone's hair must be standing right now.

The Snapple gang, the 4 of them are having snapple while the other 4 of us are having Mug root beer.

Cream of Mushroom soup, its nicer compared to the previous time we were here.

Wagyu Beef Burger, the Beef was really very tender and juicy but think it might be because of the cheese, it's a little too salty..

Extra Cut Rib Eye, All of us except and Randy and Meshelle ordered this, it was really yummy, but liz's steak really overcooked so I asked the waiter to change it for her, they were very polite and the cook came out and apologise as well.

Meshelle Double Up: You can simply choose 2 types of chicken from the list that they are offering. It looks yummy doesn't it?

Randy's Sirloin Steak: He seems to like Sirloin better than Rib eye, he keep saying, it more chewy & meaty and its very nice with the layer of fat on top. Personally I am not a fan of chewy meat, so people who like tough meat and fats you can give it a try.

Onion rings, its a huge disappointment, its simply those frozen onion rings that you can find in supermarket.

Slasher with his Extra cut Rib eye and 2 baked potatoes.

Randy having a bite of his wagyu burger.

Can you see the spoon is in the air? I was so glad I was in time for the shoot.

The 3 musketeers. But i keep calling them the gay-partners.

My chocolate mint truffle tea @ bakerzin, it really smell like chocolate.

Meshelle's cuppachino.

Lizzie Lemon Blush.

Slash's Earl Grey, He added to it. Weird right?

Jon's Ice Chocolate, he finished it in last than 5 mins.

Boon;s Rum & Raisin Affagato, it's basically Rum & Raisin ice cream with expresso.

Randy's and Raymond's Ice Lychee Mint, this simply tasted horrible, the blend mint leaves into the drink, so it tasted like Iced blended wheatgrass with mint.

Randy's birthday cake: Chocolate Amer from Bakerzin.

He looks so happy right?

Blowing the cake.

Cutting the cake.

Wonder what is the birthday boy staring at? Is there pretty girls in Slash iphone?

Boon smirking.

Raymond falling aslp at one corner, guess he was really tire.

I was so bored while the guys are talking about IT stuff that I stared playing with the leftover chocolate cream and packet sugar.

Cat's Birthday on 14th of May 2009 - Rin

Finally gotten all the pictures together for this post, on the 14th of May 2009 is our Miss Meow Meow 26th Birthday, she asked for a lashes party so all of us went to look for our fake lashes.

I met up with Liz and Jia at around 1 plus to shop for a birthday cat for Cat so that it won't look awkward just giving her an ang bao, most people must be thinking we so 没诚意, just giving her a ang bao, but the ang bao is for the pressie that she has already bought for herself on our behalf which is a real cat called Zara. After buying the card, we went shopping as usual, I bought a dress as well as some lingerie. I saw a pretty pair of sandals at River Islands, but they run out of my size for all the colours, so sickening, but at least lizzie manage to find her size & bought it, heez.. Afterwhich we went to have our lashes done at Fave nails @ City Link, actually planned to get it at Sasa but they don't offer the 'stick it for you' service. Met up with our Missy Meow Meow at around 7 plus and after Angeline reach Suntec, we went over to Fish & Co Suntec for dinner and after that was some Cam-whoring and Home Sweet Home.

Lizzie's fake Lashes, got bling bling diamonde de neh.

My thick thick lashes, I like it but i think its not long enough.

Pressie that Cat for me from jong Kong, so cute hor, its the earring not the 2 pair of sexy legs in the background.

Cat made a small little card as well, she was so sweet wasn't she?

They looked so emo, the ang moh at the back very extra neh.

Yeah!!! Big Boobies...

The 5 of us who was there with gigi's colleague eileen, min min couldn't make it cause she was having diahorrea

The 4 of us while waiting for Gigi to reach..

I looked so splastic. Don't I?

Our huge Jungle Freeze compare to our glasses of ice water..

Garlic and butter mussels, one of lizzie's favourite.

Jia's , Eileen's and Gigi's New York Fish & Chip, I didn't like this at all, I find it too 'gelat' with cheese on both the inside and outside of the fish.

Cat's Original Fish & chip.

Lizzie & I shared this huge Seafood Feast: Calamari, scallops, mussels, peri peri prawns, prawn fritters, grilled fish served with Fries and Rice.

We are very happy with the feast except that it might be a little salty.

Birthday Girl with her Fish & Chip

Mango Mousse Cake from Bakerzin, its lactose free if you take out the sponge cake on the top and at the bottom.

Cat waiting for her birthday celebration by the Fish & Co people.

She looked cute right?

Smiling with her cake.

Cutting the cake, wonder what does it symbolize..

Cat eating her birthday greeting, think its sugar.

Me being the baby of the group is cutting and serving the cake for my big Jie Jies... Muahahaha, make them sound so old.

Cat looked happy with the cake while gigi is waiting for her slice. Muahahaha...