Tuesday, January 12, 2010

12th Jan 2010

First post of the year, but not on the first day of the year. hahaha lets go through things one at the time, shall we?

Insurance wise - i'll need to reconsider.

WhoKok WahSeagullIFA1IFA2
Offered Benefit$0$0$0$2k per month

Basically, Kokwah cant make me payback anything i own him since he had told Raymond before that such are so-called recuitment risks. shrug. some thing that i'm not happy over but i just dont feel like talking about it.

Own Seagull $10 from the money he placed with me for gachapons, but since Guns 13 is already out, he'll be the one owning me 2 bucks. >p

IFA1 bascially just hope to enlist an experinced agent at no cost. free wowo to hunt for you.

IFA2 offered me another "EP" as well as more training.

I think before i go into insurance again, i wish to get my financial back into shape which is why i'm looking for work and doing up my resume.

After compilating all the cost and profit, i have made a profit of 300. HU HU HU~! considering that the first 6 month is more on monitoring buying patterns, i think in a sense, more profit will be seen, provided that they dont decide to increase the rental. At the same time, Mond has placed some Lego for me to sell in my box. Hopefully this will draw Lego fan to my box so that i can use the box to offload my Lego extras. why? Lego decided to release their own form of tikam.

Collecting gachapons still. downloaded a whole new bunch of documentaries. recently is more involved in Lego-collecting and building. alot of new Lego friends with many things to learn from. they study history to see how medival knight/castles are created and try to recreate them.

Still with Irin. >p 5 years and still counting.

Doing spring cleaning and consolidating my toys. hopefully will be able to work out a format to list them all on ebay smoothly.

After doing some rearranging with farmville, i decided to do the same with my room. Took out the un-usable(just need a new cartridge to solve the issue, but dont wanna spend) printer out and store it under Ranna's used desk. will be relocating the power extention to my middle desk. will clean up the plywood thingy further. might be putting wheels on my square table.

Still thinking on various issues like how my career should go, why does Kokwah say that 100% profit margin is hard to achieve? been following Raymond to classes on investment and looking at various stratergy and stuff. even there, they say that its hard to achieve 100% profit. is investing in stock market less profitable that doing your own business? hmmm...