Wednesday, August 26, 2009

26th August 2009

Been doing a lot of training and meeting ppl recently. bz bz.

Went to buy some soles for my shoes as walking all the long distance is starting to make my feet feel like its cracking up. the shop assistant was advising me to get membership as it will also give 18% discount ($5.38) on the soles as well. at the same time, world of sport is offering freebies with their membership. A Mizuno sling bag (which can replace my current haversack which is already at its limits), a water bottle which was replaced by a shoe bag (which i wanted for a long time) and a pair of socks. the membership fee is only $38. its like buying 2 bags for $38.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

STGCC 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

10th Aug 2009

Woke at 5am this morning. after a long long sleep, heehee went to sleep at 7pm the day before. 10 hours of sleep. heehee

On Sat morning, send pa ma to AMK to catch the bus for thier holiday trip to Cameron Highlands. then went to pick up irin to shop and prepare for the BBQ. think will see more pictures later on. as per normal, over preparation of food. it was quite fun overall.

Went to serve in the morning. they even provided breakfast for us.

I dont know how to say this, but i think its true that when you serve God, the time which you spend will be returned to you tenfold. when i went over the J8, from the 3 machine of Stitch horoscope, 2 had gemini as the first capsule. If i havent gotten these, i would have returned to the machine over the next few days to try to see when will they be in the slot for turning. i saved hours due to the Grace of God. by the way, the Stitch horoscope is running out soon, and gemini is in high shortage.

Haiz... think there isnt any chance to get all the hibiki stuff that i need. ironically, i got a SIC set which had minitures of ALL the pieces i wan to get. the trumpet, the guitars. why is Torodoki's guitar doing in the set for Zanki?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

6th August 2009

Coming to the end of my PSA 2 training. Quite happy during this training. today i was given a book in recongnition of my effort to smile and greet ppl. also i was give a flower like hightlighter cos i'm one of the early birds. When i accompanied Alvin, one of the student, for his smoking break (it was too early and no other smokers were ard), he commented that i dont seem to be a engineer as the way that i talk seems to be more of a sales personnel. i told him i was faking it, he replied that faking may work once or twice, the way i talk with confidence couldnt be faked.

Due to alot of things weighting on my mind, i skipped blogging for a while. one of it will be the Hibiki accessories... til now, they havent put the stock back... haiz...

One piece 236 is the episode where Luffy fought Ussop over the ownership of Going-Merry. feel so sad over the way things went.